As mentioned several times in my articles, we humans or our complete reality, which at the end of the day is a product of our own mental state, consists of energy. Our own energetic state can become denser or even lighter. Matter, for example, has a condensed/dense energetic state, i.e. matter vibrates at a low frequency ...

We live in an age in which stress plays an increasingly important role. Due to our meritocracy and the associated pressure that weighs on us, all the electrosmog, our unhealthy lifestyle (unnatural diet - mostly meat, finished products, food that has been chemically contaminated - no alkaline diet), the addiction to recognition, financial wealth , status symbols, luxury (materially oriented world view - from which a materially oriented reality then arises) + addiction to other diverse substances, dependencies on partners/jobs and many other reasons, ...

The egoistic mind has accompanied/dominated the minds of people for countless generations. This mind keeps us trapped in an energetically dense frenzy and is partly responsible for the fact that we humans usually look at life from negative perspectives. Because of this mind, we humans often produce energetic density, blocking our own natural flow of energies and reducing the frequency at which our current state of consciousness vibrates. Ultimately, the EGO mind is the low-vibrating counterpart to our mental mind, which in turn is responsible for positive thoughts, i.e. raising our vibration frequency. ...

Every person has so-called shadow parts. Ultimately, shadow parts are negative aspects of a person, shadow sides, negative programming that are deeply anchored in the shell of every person. In this context, these shadow parts are a result of our 3-dimensional, egoistic mind and show us our own lack of self-acceptance, our lack of self-love and, above all, our lack of connection to the divine self. ...

Not all people today believe in God or a divine existence, an apparently unknown power that exists from the hidden and is responsible for our lives. Likewise, there are many people who believe in God, but feel separate from him. You pray to God, you are convinced of his existence, but you still feel left alone by him, you experience a feeling of divine separation. ...

Emotional problems, suffering and heartache are seemingly permanent companions of many people these days. It often happens that you have the feeling that some people hurt you again and again and are responsible for your suffering in life because of it. You don't think about how to end the fact that you may be responsible for the suffering you have experienced and because of this you blame other people for your own problems. Ultimately, this seems to be the easiest way to justify one's own suffering. ...

We've been hearing more and more about one lately Transition to the 5th dimension, which should go hand in hand with a complete dissolution of the so-called 3 dimensions. This transition should ultimately lead to the fact that every person discards 3-dimensional behavior in order to then be able to create a completely positive circumstance. Nevertheless, some people are groping in the dark, are repeatedly confronted with a dissolution of the 3 dimensions, but do not really know what it is all about. ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!