≡ Menus


Our own minds are extremely powerful and have gigantic creative potential. So our own mind is primarily responsible for creating/changing/shaping our own reality. No matter what may happen in a person's life, no matter what a person will experience in the future, everything in this context depends on the orientation of his own mind, on the quality of his own mental spectrum. All future actions arise from our own thoughts. You imagine something, ...

For several years, the fatal effects of electrosmog on one's own health have been made public more and more. Electrosmog is closely linked to various illnesses, sometimes even to the development of serious illnesses. In exactly the same way, electrosmog also has a very negative influence on our own psyche. Excessive stress can even cause depression, anxiety, panic attacks and other mental disorders for that matter ...

A person's health is a product of their own mind, just as a person's entire life is solely a product of their own thoughts, their own mental imagination. In this context, every action, every deed, even every life event can be traced back to our own thoughts. Everything that you have done in your life in this regard, everything that you have realized, first existed as an idea, as a thought in your own mind. ...

In today's world, most people are dependent or addicted to "foods" that actually have a negative impact on our own health. Be it various finished products, fast food, sugary foods (sweets), high-fat foods (mostly animal products) or foods in general that have been enriched with a wide variety of additives. ...