Mankind is presently in the so often prophesied and also in innumerable scriptures documented end times, in which we experience first-hand the transformation of an ancient world based on pain, limitation, restriction and oppression. All veils are lifted, speak the truth about our existence including all structures (be it the true divine abilities of our mind or even the complete truth about the real history of our world & humanity) is to be completely removed from the overarching appearance. For this reason, a coming phase awaits us in which all of humanity, ...

In this article I refer to an ancient prophecy from the Bulgarian spiritual teacher Peter Konstantinov Deunov, also known as Beinsa Douno, who received a prophecy in a trance shortly before his death, which is now reaching more and more people in this new age . This prophecy is about the transformation of the planet, about the collective further development and, above all, about the huge change, the extent of which is particularly the current one ...

Simply put, everything in existence consists of energy or rather energetic states that have a corresponding frequency. Even matter is energy deep down, but due to energetically dense states, it takes on characteristics that we identify as matter in the traditional sense (energy vibrating at a low frequency). Even our state of consciousness, which is largely responsible for the experience and manifestation of states/circumstances (we are the creators of our own reality), consists of energy that vibrates at a corresponding frequency (the life of a person whose entire existence points away from a completely individual energetic signature shows a constantly changing state of vibration). ...

Even though I've dealt with this subject quite often, I keep coming back to the subject, simply because, firstly, there is still a great deal of misunderstanding here (or rather, judgments prevail) and, secondly, people keep making the assertion that that all teachings and approaches are wrong, that there is only one Savior to follow blindly and that is Jesus Christ. So it is also repeatedly claimed on my site under certain articles that Jesus Christ is the only one ...

Recently, or for several years now, there has been repeated talk of a so-called Christ consciousness. The whole topic around this term is often strongly mystified, by some church followers or even people who denigrate spiritual topics, even like to call it demonic. Nevertheless, the topic of Christ consciousness has absolutely nothing to do with occultism or even demonic content, ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!