The increasingly important spiritual awakening of human civilization has become unstoppable for several years. More and more people are achieving life-changing self-knowledge and, as a result, experiencing a complete realignment of their own mental state. Your own original or learned/conditioned beliefs, convictions, ...
expansion of consciousness

Simply put, everything in existence consists of energy or rather energetic states that have a corresponding frequency. Even matter is energy deep down, but due to energetically dense states, it takes on characteristics that we identify as matter in the traditional sense (energy vibrating at a low frequency). Even our state of consciousness, which is largely responsible for the experience and manifestation of states/circumstances (we are the creators of our own reality), consists of energy that vibrates at a corresponding frequency (the life of a person whose entire existence points away from a completely individual energetic signature shows a constantly changing state of vibration). ...

As I have often mentioned in my articles, we humans ourselves represent an image of a great spirit, i.e. an image of a mental structure that flows through everything (an energetic network that is given shape by an intelligent spirit). This spiritual, consciousness-based primal reason manifests itself in everything that exists and is expressed in a variety of ways. ...

As mentioned several times on my blog, humanity is in a complex and, above all, unavoidable “waking up process”. This process, which was primarily initiated by very special cosmic circumstances, leads to massive collective development and increases the spiritual quotient of humanity as a whole. For this reason, this process is also often referred to as a process of spiritual awakening, which is ultimately true, since we, as spiritual beings ourselves, experience "awakening" or an expansion of our state of consciousness. ...

I have often mentioned in my texts that since the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (December 21, 2012) a veritable search for truth has been taking place on our planet. This finding of truth can be traced back to a planetary frequency increase, which, due to very special cosmic circumstances, seriously changes our life on earth every 26.000 years. Here one could also speak of a cyclical elevation of consciousness, a period in which the collective state of consciousness is automatically increased. ...

For several years we humans have been in an overarching process of spiritual awakening. In this context, this process raises our own vibration frequency, massively expands our own state of consciousness and increases the overall spiritual/spiritual quotient of human civilization. As far as this is concerned, there are also a wide variety of stages in the process of spiritual awakening. Exactly the same way there are enlightenments of the most different intensities or even the most different states of consciousness. In this process we therefore go through the various phases and keep changing our own view of the world, revising our own beliefs, arriving at new convictions and creating a completely new worldview over time. ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!