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According to the Bible, Jesus once said that he represents the way, the truth and the life. This quote is also correct to a limited extent, but is usually completely misunderstood by most people and often leads to us considering Jesus or rather his wisdom as the only way and consequently completely ignoring our own creative qualities. After all, it is important to understand ...

In today's world, or has been for centuries, people like to be influenced and shaped by external energies. In doing so, we integrate/legitimize the energy of other people in our own mind and let it become a part of our own reality. Sometimes this can be of a very counterproductive nature, for example when we subsequently adopt disharmonious beliefs and beliefs or when these ...

In today's world, many people, whether consciously or unconsciously, are subject to a certain lack of thinking. In doing so, one's own attention is largely directed to circumstances or states that one lacks or which one assumes that one urgently needs for the development of one's own happiness in life. We then often allow ourselves to be guided by our own lack thinking ...

Since the beginning of existence, different realities have “collisioned” with each other. There is no general reality in the classical sense, which in turn is comprehensive and applies to all living beings. Likewise, there is no all-encompassing truth that is valid for every human being and dwells in the foundations of existence. Of course, one could see the core of our existence, i.e. our spiritual nature and the highly effective force that goes with it, namely unconditional love, as an absolute truth ...

Today's daily energy on April 12, 2018 is mainly characterized by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Pisces yesterday evening, at 20:39 p.m. to be precise, and since then has given us influences that make us sensitive, dreamy and introverted could be. ...

I have addressed this topic on my site a few times and yet I keep coming back to it, simply because some people feel downright lost in the current age of awakening. Likewise, many people let the fact that certain elite families completely dominate our planet or the collective state of consciousness ...

Today's daily energy on January 18, 2018 stands especially for freedom and could therefore make us all very freedom-loving and progressive. For this reason, there is a high probability that energies will be released within us that could be equated with independence. The daily energetic influences therefore give us the urge to act completely independently in our lives.

Love of freedom and independence

Love of freedom and independenceIn this context, the urge for freedom or the urge for a spiritual state in which the feeling of freedom is manifest is very present, especially in the current time of change. Instead of constantly living out a mental imbalance, instead of getting trapped in your own self-imposed vicious cycles, you want to break your own shackles again and create a life that completely corresponds to your own ideas. Self-realization is a key word here, because the current time, which, as has often been mentioned, has been shaped by the newly predominant element earth for several weeks, is all about manifestation and self-realization. This circumstance goes hand in hand with today's energetic influences and we should definitely not reject our urge for freedom, but rather pursue it and live out our innermost spiritual ambitions. Ultimately, this urge for freedom can be traced back to Venus, which changed to the zodiac sign Aquarius at 02:43 a.m. in the morning. This connection lasts until February 13, 2018 and can also make us very sincere. In the same way, this connection could trigger in us a resistance to any restrictions. Likewise, an aversion to immoral things could become noticeable in us. For the most part, this constellation makes us freedom-oriented and peace-loving. Apart from this special constellation, no connection is active today, which is why the freedom-loving and progressive influences of Venus predominate in the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Today's daily energy is mainly influenced by Venus in the zodiac sign Aquarius, which not only focuses on our desire for freedom, but also allows us to be progressive in our thinking + independent..!!

The only constellation worth mentioning is the sextile between Jupiter around Pluto on January 16th, which is active for 10 days, i.e. until January 26th, and represents the realization of our ideals, a new start and positive changes overall. Ultimately, this constellation also complements today's Venus connection wonderfully and we can therefore experience a day that is accompanied by freedom, change and progress. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellation Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Januar/18