Every person has a light body, i.e. the so-called Merkaba (throne chariot), which in turn vibrates at a very high frequency and, in parallel, develops more and more strongly within the collective awakening process. This light body represents by far our highest unfoldable good, in itself the full development of the Merkaba even represents the key to the completion of one's own incarnation or, better said, the mastery of one's own incarnation goes hand in hand with a fully developed and rapidly rotating Merkaba. It is an energetic structure through which we become able again Skills to bring to life, which in turn are equated with miracles, ...
In this article I refer to an ancient prophecy from the Bulgarian spiritual teacher Peter Konstantinov Deunov, also known as Beinsa Douno, who received a prophecy in a trance shortly before his death, which is now reaching more and more people in this new age . This prophecy is about the transformation of the planet, about the collective further development and, above all, about the huge change, the extent of which is particularly the current one ...
Because of our own spiritual ground or because of our own mental presence, each human being is a powerful creator of his own circumstance. For this reason we are, for example, also able to create a life that in turn corresponds completely to our own ideas. Apart from that, we humans also exert an influence on the collective state of consciousness, or better said, depending on spiritual maturity, depending on the degree of one's own state of consciousness (the more one is aware, for example, that one exerts a strong influence, ...
Mankind is currently in a so-called ascension into the light. A transition into the fifth dimension is often spoken of here (the 5th dimension does not mean a place in itself, but rather a higher state of consciousness in which harmonious and peaceful thoughts/emotions find their place), i.e. a tremendous transition , which ultimately leads to the fact that every person dissolves their own egoistic structures and subsequently regains a stronger emotional connection. In this context, this is also an overarching process that firstly occurs on all levels of existence and secondly due to all special cosmic circumstances, is unstoppable. This quantum leap into awakening, which at the end of the day lets us humans rise to become multidimensional, fully conscious beings (i.e. people who shed their own shadow/ego parts and then embody their divine self, their spiritual aspects again) is referred to as the light body process . ...
The golden age has been mentioned several times in various ancient writings + treatises and means an age in which global peace, financial justice and, above all, the respectful treatment of our fellow human beings, animals and nature will be present. It is a time when mankind has fully fathomed its own ground and, as a result, is living in harmony with nature. The Newly Begun Cosmic Cycle (December 21, 2012 - Beginning of a 13.000 year "Awakening - High State of Consciousness" - Galactic Pulse) established in this context the provisional beginning of this time (there were also circumstances/signs of change beginning before that) and heralded an incipient worldwide change, which first of all is noticeable on all levels of existence ...
Who hasn't thought at some point in their life what it would be like to be immortal. An exciting idea, but one that is usually accompanied by a feeling of being unattainable. The assumption from the outset is that you can't get to such a state, that it's all fiction and that it would be foolish to even think about it. Nevertheless, more and more people are thinking about this mystery and are making groundbreaking discoveries in this regard. Basically everything you can imagine is possible, realizable. It is also possible to achieve physical immortality in the same way. ...
Why are so many people currently dealing with spiritual, high-vibrational topics? A few years ago this was not the case! At that time, these topics were ridiculed by many people, dismissed as nonsense. But currently, many people feel magically drawn to these topics. There is also a good reason for this and I would like to share it with you in this text explain in more detail. The first time I came into contact with such topics ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!