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Humanity is currently developing massively mentally. Many people report that our planet and all its inhabitants are entering the 5th dimension. That sounds very adventurous for many, but the 5th dimension is manifesting itself more and more in our lives. For many, terms such as dimensions, power of manifestation, ascension or the golden age sound very abstract, but there is far more to the terms than one would expect. Humans are currently evolving back to a multidimensional, 5 dimensional thinking and feeling being. I'll tell you here exactly how this happens and how you can recognize subtle thinking and acting.

What exactly is the 5th dimension?

The 5th dimension is a high vibrational energy structure that surrounds everything in existence. Everything in the universe consists of this and other dimensions, since ultimately everything consists of oscillating, space-timeless energy. It is only in our 3 dimensional world that we cannot see this energy with our eyes, since this energy is so concentrated in the 3rd dimension that we only perceive it as matter. The 5th dimension is a place of higher emotions and thought patterns.

We all have access to this dimension and can adapt our own vibration level to it at any time. In this dimension, sensitive thinking arises, love comes into its own much more and is expressed much more. The 5th dimension is therefore much less a place but, to make it more understandable, a mental and spiritual development of the human being. And this development takes place in every single person.

The limiting 3 dimensional mind is evolving

The 5 dimensionsToday we are in the process of shedding the limiting 3 dimensional mind. This 3 dimensional thinking results from our own egoistic mind. This mind severely limits our thoughts and actions and as a result we have no connection to the ethereality of life because we only believe in 3-dimensionality or matter, or better said, only understand the 3-dimensional silhouette of life.

For example, when we try to imagine what God could be or where God is located, we always only think in 3 dimensional schemes. We do not look beyond the horizon and conceive of God as a physical, humanoid life form, existing somewhere far away in or above the universe, ruling over all of us there. We have no understanding of subtlety or subtle dimensionalities and do not look into matter.

Subtle thinking and acting

Anyone who thinks and feels 5-dimensionally or ethereally understands that God is an all-pervasive, high-vibrating primal energy consisting of love. The particles of this divine energy structure vibrate so high, move so fast, that they exist outside of space and time. Everything is God and God is everything. Everything in life, everything in existence is made up of this pure, high vibrational energy structure, as all is one. We are all made of this energy and everything is connected because of this energy structure. Man, animals, nature, the universe, the dimensions of life, God is everywhere and flows through everything as high-vibrational, polarity-free energy. That is why God cannot end the suffering on this planet and is not responsible for this suffering. Only man is solely responsible for the grievances on this planet due to his abusive creative power of thought and only man can bring this planet back into balance.

Limited 3 dimensional thinkingBut many people limit themselves and do not allow their sensitivity because of the judgmental, selfish mind. How should someone learn to think and act 5-dimensionally if they smile at or even frown upon the knowledge of these dimensionalities. One condemns this knowledge, thereby creating negativity, one's own energetic vibration level drops and further development of the mind is prevented by one's own 3 dimensional thinking. Because of these self-imposed thought patterns, the big questions in life remain unanswered. I myself have often slowed myself down as a result in the past and could not understand many things. For example, I used to never understand what came before the universe, or where everything came from.

Through my 3 dimensional thinking I have only considered the material aspects and not the subtle aspects of universal life. For deep within the physical universe is a subtle universe that has always existed and always will exist. Our 3-dimensionality has its origin in the subtle worlds, since everything arises from this world and everything flows back into this world. However, due to a lack of basic ethereal knowledge, combined with a judgmental and derogatory attitude, I was not able to see beyond my horizon at the time.

Another example is information gathering. A person who only thinks 3-dimensionally thinks when absorbing information that the brain stores this information and makes it available. A subtle thinking person knows that the information/energy reaches his consciousness (expansion of consciousness through knowledge) and with appropriate interest and understanding this knowledge is anchored in the subconscious. As soon as the subconscious has stored the new information, we expand our reality because this knowledge is brought to our attention every time there is a suitable situation. Information is perceived, reaches the conscious mind, manifests itself in the subconscious and creates an altered, augmented reality.

We all possess the gift of the Multidimensional Mind

Because of this, we are also multidimensional beings. We can think and feel multidimensionally. I can imagine the world as a 3-dimensional, physical place, or as a subtle, infinite, timeless place. 5 dimensional thinking also ensures that we understand time and can live in the now. A 5 dimensional thinking person understands that future and past exist only in our thoughts and that we live in an eternal moment, in the now. This moment has always existed and always will. A moment that stretches forever and will never end. Time exists only because of the inseparable space-time. Matter is always linked to space-time. That is why there is no space-time in the subtle dimensions, but only space-timeless energy.

Subtle DimensionsThe 7th dimension e.g. consists exclusively of very high vibrational energy. If you were to think and act 7-dimensionally, then you would only be pure energetic consciousness or a subtle being united with the physical body. Thanks to our multidimensional mind, we can also gain a very special relationship to love, because we understand everything that exists, that God is the pure, unadulterated energy source of love. We understand that nature, that all living beings and everything in the universe is made of love and only needs love. Since humanity is currently becoming aware of its 5-dimensional abilities again, you can see more and more people who respect and love nature, people or even everything that exists with dedication and passion. Fortunately, this process is unstoppable and current humanity is evolving again into powerful, benevolent beings. Until then, stay healthy, happy and live your life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • C.V. 21. May 2019, 15: 24


      I remembered today that when I was mentally ill I was thinking about 5 dimensional thinking. Then I googled and came across this article. During my phase, I was very emotional in all directions. I couldn't stop thinking. I still remember what I said to my girlfriend. "Take me back if you lose me". I kind of disappeared into another world. I never believed in God and suddenly I thought like you. Everything is made of God. Even myself.
      To this day, I can't exactly describe how I felt. She was definitely oversized. I've never had a similar feeling before. rudimentary.
      Unfortunately, it is assumed that these were delusions. That's why I'm still being treated with medication to have clear thoughts.
      Now that I think like everyone else, I say. I miss the times when I was freaking out. Because that was life. Everything in the world has a stimulus. I was overwhelmed with stimuli, feelings, emotions. It was just beautiful. Unfortunately not for my participants.

      That's why I'm sticking to the medication and "normal" dimensioned thinking for the time being.

      greetings vita

    • Anke Neuhoff 4. October 2020, 1: 12

      Many, many thanks, this information was very instructive and helpful for me.

    Anke Neuhoff 4. October 2020, 1: 12

    Many, many thanks, this information was very instructive and helpful for me.

    • C.V. 21. May 2019, 15: 24


      I remembered today that when I was mentally ill I was thinking about 5 dimensional thinking. Then I googled and came across this article. During my phase, I was very emotional in all directions. I couldn't stop thinking. I still remember what I said to my girlfriend. "Take me back if you lose me". I kind of disappeared into another world. I never believed in God and suddenly I thought like you. Everything is made of God. Even myself.
      To this day, I can't exactly describe how I felt. She was definitely oversized. I've never had a similar feeling before. rudimentary.
      Unfortunately, it is assumed that these were delusions. That's why I'm still being treated with medication to have clear thoughts.
      Now that I think like everyone else, I say. I miss the times when I was freaking out. Because that was life. Everything in the world has a stimulus. I was overwhelmed with stimuli, feelings, emotions. It was just beautiful. Unfortunately not for my participants.

      That's why I'm sticking to the medication and "normal" dimensioned thinking for the time being.

      greetings vita

    • Anke Neuhoff 4. October 2020, 1: 12

      Many, many thanks, this information was very instructive and helpful for me.

    Anke Neuhoff 4. October 2020, 1: 12

    Many, many thanks, this information was very instructive and helpful for me.
