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On the one hand, today's daily energy on March 31, 2019 is still shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius, which means that we are increasingly focusing our own minds on life circumstances (Ideas - even a life circumstance is the result of your own imagination - an energetic image of your own mind) could direct, which in turn will be characterized by more freedom. On the other hand, the general, special energy quality also affects us.

Spring energies

The increasing or ever-increasing influences continue to be all about transformation, purification and, above all, self-realization. As already mentioned in the previous daily energy articles, one's own self-realization plays a very important role, because more and more people feel the inner urge to fully realize themselves, i.e. due to spiritual awakening they automatically want to rise (About yourself), would like to overcome oneself and, as a result, manifest a life circumstance in which we not only have our own divine being (consisting of spirit/Soul, – Yin/Yang, we are everything, – fusion of soul and spirit/duality – God consciousness), but also (Consequently) live a carefree, free, easy life based on love (abundance). And especially after the highly consciousness-expanding portal day phase (In the end, it was much more mind-changing than expected, and for me personally, especially towards the end, it was the best portal day phase ever - new impulses, insights, etc. will therefore follow - in the form of new articles/videos and above all the book, the first chapters of which now have to be rewritten again - there were reasons why it has not yet been completely revised + published), – which felt like it marked the end of winter (Transition into spring), in combination with the beginning of spring (Spring energies), all the groundwork has been laid to be able to get off to a flying start.

Let's try to see the best in each person, to see others in the best possible light. This attitude immediately creates a feeling of closeness, a kind of affection, a connection. – Dalai Lama..!!

Creating a life that corresponds to our ideas, or better yet, creating a life by fully realizing our divine self, generally moves into the fifth dimension due to the transition (into a high frequency circumstance/condition) is getting closer and is also becoming much more feasible. Ultimately, I'm really looking forward to April, a month that will certainly bring a lot of abundance and growth, a month in which we can specifically use our creative potential to manifest a harmonious and abundance-based circumstance (or will). In this context, we also receive significantly fewer portal days than in the past two months - exactly five portal days:

  • on April, 08th
  • on April, 11th
  • on April, 16th
  • on April, 19th
  • on April, 27th

There is no corresponding phase consisting of several portal days in a row; instead we receive five individual portal days, all of which (distributed throughout the month) represent optimal interfaces for reflection and self-reflection. Well then, April will certainly be a successful month and if we mentally commit to it (instead of remaining largely in a consciousness of lack), will be very beneficial. Let us therefore put aside all other limitations on our part through which we deny ourselves our own divinity and use the potential of the coming days and weeks, everything is possible. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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