Today's daily energy on December 27th, 2018 is shaped on the one hand by the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Virgo (changed to the zodiac sign yesterday at 18:53 p.m.) and on the other hand by the preliminary influences of tomorrow's portal day (the last one in this month/year - the portal day calendar for the new year follows the days). For this reason, the energy quality could be a little more intense, although it has already been running at full speed for months.
Moon in Virgo
In this context, the last few weeks and months have been experienced as extremely consciousness-expanding and changing. Sometimes very strong energetic movements reached us in this regard and within a short period of time we received so many impulses that in some cases a complete spiritual realignment was experienced. As already mentioned in a few articles, I myself was able to gather a lot of new impressions and experience completely new states of consciousness, i.e. it was a very formative and groundbreaking phase, to be honest even one of the most groundbreaking phases of all. Ultimately, I'm really looking forward to the new year, which will certainly bring a lot of abundance, happiness and new structures (instead of old life patterns - conflicts). Don't doubt it for a second, simply because everything has been moving towards it recently. Recognize, act, revolution (inner → outer). The acceleration in the process of spiritual awakening, i.e. a process that not only refers to a complete awareness of one's own existence, - one's own being, - one's own divinity, but also to the decoupling of the matrix system, has reached unimagined proportions and The manifestation of our limitless potential therefore becomes more tangible.
During this year we were able to go through intensive processes in which the focus was primarily on releasing/clearing up internal conflicts and, as a result, becoming more aware of our true nature. Due to the increasing intensity and, above all, the special energy quality, 2019 will certainly continue this, but on a completely different level. The possibility of expanding our inner space in harmonious directions will certainly increase greatly. The supposedly impossible will become possible..!!
It's an incredible time. Well, to come back to today's daily energy, due to the moon in the zodiac sign Virgo, energies are reaching us through which we could, if necessary, have more developed intellectual powers and be in a more analytical and critical mood overall. On the other hand, you could be much more receptive, at least from a spiritual perspective. Mindfulness, reliability and honesty are also aspects that are associated with the “Virgo Moon”. Due to the preliminary portal day influences, these aspects can certainly be expressed more strongly. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂