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Lunar eclipse

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With today's daily energy on March 25, 2024, the powerful energy of a penumbral lunar eclipse reaches us. The lunar eclipse begins at 04:53 a.m., the maximum point of the lunar eclipse is reached at 07:12 a.m. and the eclipse ends at 09:32 a.m. We are now confronted with the full effects of this ancient energy quality, which not only leads to stressful circumstances conclusion, i.e. energetically difficult circumstances that need to be cleared up, but on the other hand, countless hidden structures will come to the surface. After all, on such days we receive important messages through which a completely new path in life can be established or, better said, the complete will arises in us to make this new path in life manifest. These days we are therefore extremely receptive to new energies.

Old comes to an end

Lunar eclipseFurthermore, it should be said that a lunar eclipse is always accompanied by fateful energies that influence our system (and the collective – the global level) address in depth and bring countless unfulfilled states to the surface. An important review takes place in which aspects come to a conclusion that no longer fit our current frequency alignment or circumstances remain that are in turn useful for our inner ascension process (our deepest reality is brought before us). In doing so, a completely new path can be fundamentally paved that leads us to a new state of consciousness. At the core, a VERY POWERFUL ORIGINAL FORCE acts on all of us, which wants to take our own development process to a new level. It is a power that benefits the entire collective ascension process by making hidden and, above all, unfulfilled parts visible. And since today's total lunar eclipse is in the zodiac sign Libra, our circumstances want to be brought into balance and therefore harmony.

Full Moon in Libra

Lunar eclipse

Due to the Libra star sign, the focus can be on our relationships, which are now undergoing a review or even realignment. At its core, it's about our own inner realignment, because all relationships always reflect the relationship with ourselves. Our own self-healing is therefore addressed. The impulses that reach us today want us to bring ourselves back into balance. After all, only when we create a balance in our own mind can a balance arise in the world, because the state of our inner world always creates the outer world. Well, the Moon is opposite the Sun in the zodiac sign Aries. This adds a fiery component to the highly magical energy mixture. So in Aries we want to move forward, manifest, create and implement. Hardly any other energy quality drives us internally as strongly as is the case with the Aries zodiac sign. For this reason, the influences of the lunar eclipse are particularly useful to us, because the quality of Aries means we are directly encouraged to put our new impulses into action. So let us welcome today's energies and absorb the influences of the lunar eclipse. We can experience great things. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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