Today's daily energy on August 25, 2020 is mainly shaped by the influences of the fourth portal day and thus continues our transcending and, above all, consciousness-expanding journey through August, leading into September. The last days of August therefore have another significant effect on our mind/body/spirit system, yes, basically they even have what feels like a profound effect Topics and energies that we have already worked on and experienced in the last portal day phase (Yesterday evening I also experienced a situation 1:1 like in the previous portal day phase, it was crazy - I immediately intuitively felt the connection - apart from the fact that this phase is generally similar to the last portal day phase in some respects, that's how it went which makes the last ten-day July portal day phase also until the end of the month - and then resulted in a massive energetic bundling, aimed at global peace, at the transformation of the current pseudo-system - demo, which is now taking place again).
Clean up inner shadows
In this context, there is definitely a certain synchronicity to the previous portal day phase and the open portal therefore leads us even deeper into corresponding energetic shadows, sometimes also shadows that have already been changed quite significantly, but are still to some extent within our own spirits are rooted. Here I'm talking about all sorts of low-frequency programs through which our reality is shaped every day, i.e. negative beliefs (regarding the world and oneself - primarily related not only to an ignorance regarding the apparent system, but also to the limitations that come with it - "I am small", "I am poor", "I am a speck of dust in the universe", "I can not change anything/change the world”, “I am insignificant”, “I am not a creator”, “I am not capable”, “I don’t know anything”, “I can’t do that”, etc. – which, by the way, then also transferred to the external world, i.e. these inner beliefs are reflected on other people. You then see in the other, for example: the small/insignificant, not the great/divine), disharmonious habits (an unnatural/industrial diet, various addictions, dependencies, whether on substances, an unfulfilling job, a partnership or even an unfulfilling living situation) or even unresolved conflicts in general, some of which can be traced back to past events that have not yet been resolved. All these inner entanglements, through which we are often unable to sense our own divinity, at least in certain parts or even in certain moments, are being cleared up more strongly than ever (Pay attention to your thoughts because they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Pay attention to your actions because they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny).
The development of our inner space into harmonious/divine states is increasingly being placed in the foreground and is therefore massively promoted. In return, low-frequency states are becoming increasingly difficult to bear, which is extremely beneficial to the current energy quality. Everything should expand into the divine - into awakening, into independence, into the maximum.
Strong solar winds?
Nevertheless, it is particularly special to see how this pull into the divine is becoming ever greater. Humanity is rising up, rising up more and more, recognizing itself as powerful creators. This process is irreversible and will lead us into the GOLDEN AGE, that much is certain. For this reason, the current portal day phase is worth its weight in gold because it promotes this overarching process immensely. We can therefore look forward to seeing what the next portal days will bring. Well, in keeping with this, I would like to conclude by going back to the previously announced solar winds that were supposed to reach us on the 25th. As can be seen in the linked image above, there is currently no visible increased solar activity or earth's magnetic field fluctuation. It remains to be seen whether this will happen, perhaps with a delay. Ultimately, the probability of this is high and is to be expected, especially in the current portal phase. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂