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daily energy

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Today's daily energy is mainly shaped by strong influences, because it is once again portal day, to be precise it is also the last portal day of this month. For this reason we can once again expect strong cosmic radiation, which is why transformation and purification could be in the foreground. Apart from these influences, we also have three different star constellations and the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Virgo.

Today is a portal day

Today is a portal dayWe are also affected by the influences of a Mars/Jupiter sextile (harmonic angular relationship - 60°), which became active yesterday morning at 07:12 a.m. and has been in effect for two days since then (until tomorrow). This constellation stands for strong vitality, good health and great enthusiasm. Active and decisive action is also in the foreground. In general, active action is very encouraged, especially since the moon is still in the zodiac sign Virgo. As a result, we could be analytical and critical, but also be quite productive and health-conscious. Ultimately, these influences benefit us greatly, at least if we can handle the strong energetic inflows well or if we plan to move out of a lethargic state. As far as I'm concerned, for example, I've been more productive in the last few days than I have been in a long time. I do a lot of sport intensively, work a lot and get a lot done. For this reason, I will fully resonate with the influences and continue to push myself internally (that's good for me at the moment). The feeling of being able to accomplish a lot or having accomplished a lot is very satisfying, especially at the end of the day. For example, you lie in bed and can look back on what you have accomplished. Well, apart from these influences, a trine (harmonic angular relationship - 07°) between the sun and moon (yin-yang principle) also comes into effect at 16:120 a.m., which generally stands for success in life, health well-being, vitality and harmonious relationships. This constellation could therefore give us an additional boost.

Today's daily energy is characterized by very harmonious and driving energies, which is why we can be in a very productive mood overall..!!

Around noon at 14:29 p.m. another trine between the Moon and Saturn (in the zodiac sign Capricorn) will take effect, which can put us in a fairly responsible and dutiful mood. On the other hand, this trine also stands for the implementation of our own goals and allows us to pursue them with care and consideration, which is why it is once again an opportunity to create new living conditions. The stars are very favorable for this today. The only downside is late in the evening, at 23:27 p.m. to be exact, a square between Mercury (in the zodiac sign Aries) and Saturn (in the zodiac sign Capricorn), which can make us materialistic, suspicious, resentful, quarrelsome and stubborn. Nevertheless, it should be said that today is predominantly accompanied by harmonious and driving constellations, which is why the day could be extremely successful, at least if we can tolerate the strong energies. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Moon Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/April/25

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