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Today's daily energy is mainly shaped by the lingering influences of yesterday, because yesterday, over several hours, we received strong anomalies regarding the planetary resonance frequency (see below picture). The day was therefore extremely intense and once again deepened the currently strong fundamental frequency, because corresponding anomalies always lead to not only significantly more cosmic inflows achieve collective consciousness, but also ensure significantly more insights into our own spiritual origins.

It's getting more and more violent

It's getting more and more violentUltimately, the day was accompanied by strong changes in consciousness and mental clarification, a circumstance that will still be extremely present today. All of these clarifications also refer to internal conflicts/programs on our part, which are gradually being resolved more and more, because our entire planet, as an organism/consciousness itself, together with all the living beings on it, is rising into a new frequency/dimension. A collective state characterized by purity, wisdom, self-love & creativity is an end state (Manifestation of the Golden Age - Through ourselves, in which we ourselves initiate the age within ourselves - everything arises from our inner world), which is becoming more and more tangible. And the current days, yes, especially the past high-energy days, were increasingly accompanied by the manifestation of corresponding structures, i.e. the pull in 5D was once again massively strengthened. A huge consolidation of corresponding 5D programs led us into a special ascension and in the coming days, which will also be extremely consciousness-expanding and flourishing, this installation will once again firmly anchor itself in the collective field. A coming highlight will reach us on September 23rd, because on this day the autumnal equinox takes place, a very special and, above all, meaningful event (Balancing on all levels - but more on that in the coming daily energy articles - and we also received a portal day the day before). Violent anomaliesToday will inevitably follow all of this and will also be accompanied by special events and moods. In particular, the pull in 5D structures will be extremely noticeable. Well, finally, I would like another section from the page cosmic gossip.blog quote, which was about events of the past few days:

The end of a 5,5 month karma spiral of the human aspect on the journey of the I AM.

Saturn has turned and the entry into a new phase has begun. Outdated contracts, patterns, structures and difficult tests are deconstructed. Likewise, a spectacular palindrome phase ends today, 19/9, which began on 11/9 in parallel with the master building block/blueprint phase (11-22/9) exactly 111 days before the earthly turn of the year. Only in 2110 will this event take place again in this form of alignment (palindrome = sequence of letters, words or verses, numbers that, when read forwards or backwards, make the same sense as shelf - warehouse or just like in our qualia 12345678987654321 which is in the divine exponentiation of 111,111,111 x 111,111,111).

So 19/9/19(3) = 29/11 is a perfect day in the NOW for this turn of events. All of the old energy has been cleared, or for those with a lack of readiness it will go into a 2nd short round that will come to an end in January at the latest, when Pluto Saturn and Mars have an epic meeting at the South Node. It is the most important and - only later recognizable - the most beautiful part of year 3 to make room for new positive change.There was a harmonious interaction - trine - of Moon with Pluto and Mars early in the morning to align determination for lasting change.

With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Ulrike Stocker 23. September 2019, 17: 00

      <3 – thank you very much for this detailed explanation. So, even though I only read this today, I understand my actions or my body or physical reactions (such as needing very little sleep or to the other extreme).
      This post is VERY helpful for me!!! Thank you thank you thank you <3

    Ulrike Stocker 23. September 2019, 17: 00

    <3 – thank you very much for this detailed explanation. So, even though I only read this today, I understand my actions or my body or physical reactions (such as needing very little sleep or to the other extreme).
    This post is VERY helpful for me!!! Thank you thank you thank you <3
