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daily energy

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On the one hand, today's daily energy on June 19, 2018 is shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Virgo, which is why we could act quite responsibly and dutifully. On the other hand, five different constellations affect us, four of which are harmonious in nature, i.e. we receive fairly supportive energies. The only downside is Neptune, which went retrograde at 01:26 a.m. and has been giving us influences ever since, through which old programs, structures and energies could reach our daily consciousness in a reinforced manner.

Influences of Neptune Retrograde

Influences of Neptune RetrogradeOkey, of course this doesn't have to be a downer or a bad thing, because a corresponding confrontation can often be responsible for allowing us to deal more deeply with our own current state of being and, as a result, clear up a lot of unresolved things. This is why Neptune retrograde could also benefit us. In this context, it should also be said again that retrograde planets generally represent incomplete or old structures that can be transported into our daily consciousness. Neptune also stands specifically for our own inner world and allows us to direct our own gaze inwards. This brings our own mental life to the foreground and we can become aware of what we really need in life. Sustainable programs are recognized and, if necessary, solutions can be “developed” for your own problems. In addition, retrograde Neptune primarily brings to our attention uncomfortable topics, which we could, at least if we have the appropriate willingness to accept and change, deal with. Well, apart from retrograde Neptune, in just under two hours, i.e. at 08:44 a.m., a sextile between the Moon and Mercury will be active, which can help our intellectual abilities to develop at this time. Two hours later, at 10:32 a.m. to be exact, another sextile takes effect between the Moon and Jupiter, which represents social success, material gains and a positive attitude to life. The only disharmonious constellation takes effect again at 14:48 p.m. and is an opposition between the Moon and Neptune, which can make us dreamy, passive and unbalanced, at least if we resonate with the corresponding influences (the same applies to all other constellations ).

Accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what is to come!!

Last but not least, shortly before 22:00 p.m. two harmonious constellations come into effect: a trine at 21:42 p.m. between Mercury and Jupiter and another trine between the Moon and Pluto at 21:52 p.m. The two constellations can not only awaken our sentimental nature or have a strong influence on our emotional life, but can also promote a cheerful and optimistic view of life. Ultimately, it should be said that today we are largely influenced by influences that can promote positive daily circumstances. But which influences we allow ourselves to engage with or to what extent we will align our minds depends, as always, entirely on ourselves and the use of our own mental abilities. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Moon Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Juni/19

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