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Today's daily energy on September 18th, 2018 is, on the one hand, shaped by the lingering influences of yesterday's portal day and, on the other hand, by the influences of the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Capricorn at 13:07 p.m. yesterday and has been giving us influences ever since , through which we could act quite dutifully and purposefully. On the other hand, we could be in a much more serious, thoughtful and persistent mood because of this. Pleasure and enjoyment are put aside and instead the fulfillment of duty is in the foreground.

Moon in Capricorn zodiac sign

Moon in Capricorn zodiac signUltimately, as already mentioned in yesterday's daily energy article, today is the perfect day to continue meeting all of your obligations. In particular, thoughts whose manifestation we may have been putting off for weeks or even months could now be put into action. This could be all sorts of things, for example answering an email, completing a corresponding piece of work, studying for an exam, answering unpleasant letters, meeting acquaintances or meeting people (discussions due to previous conflicts) or generally fulfilling duties, that may have been neglected in recent weeks. Due to the concentration and determination associated with it, we could master such situations with ease. Ultimately, this also involves a certain amount of leaving our own comfort zone. In this regard, we also tend to stay in our own comfort zone and find it difficult to break out of it, i.e. we do not overcome ourselves and fail to master everyday tasks. But all the duties that we fail to fulfill and all the other unfinished tasks or, better yet, unfulfilled thoughts are deeply anchored in our own mind and are waiting to be realized.

Change comes through active action, not through meditation or prayer alone. – Dalai Lama..!!

Ultimately, it's also a nice feeling, i.e. allowing the fulfillment/implementation of corresponding thoughts to become manifest, instead of living every day with the feeling of putting off various unfinished tasks back and forth. For this reason, it is advisable to use today's lunar energies to fulfill corresponding obligations; in any case, it is perfect for us. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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