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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on February 12, 2022 is, on the one hand, shaped by the waxing moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Cancer at 00:27 a.m. and has since given us influences through which we can generally experience a stronger family connection .we can even feel an even stronger pull towards our own soul family in purely energetic terms. Along with the determining element of water in this regard, the moon can also illuminate our emotional side at the same time and, above all, deepen our corresponding connections or even make them flow.

True connections

True connectionsWell, in this context we should never forget that, especially in this highly magical and now very advanced time of collective awakening, we are generally increasingly drawing our deepest soul connections and the associated true soul family into our lives. How could it ultimately be different? The healer your own state of consciousness and accordingly your reality becomes, the more you attract circumstances that in turn carry the energy of healing. Accordingly, you will subsequently attract connections into your life, which in turn are an expression of your healer frequency. The more light we ourselves become, the more we draw connections into our lives that have always belonged to us or have always belonged to our highest state of being. When you become holy by becoming fully aware of being a holy being (God Consciousness/Christ Consciousness – the Holy of Holies), then the external world automatically adapts to your internal state and will accordingly provide you with circumstances based on this energy. And since the Most Holy Image of yourself represents your complete origin, the people and circumstances that are drawn from that state will also be part of your original state. Of course, we must also note at this point that the entire reality is of course a part of one's own origin or belongs to oneself, simply because oneself is everything and, above all, is connected to everything, but this is only about the return of the Circumstances that in turn are an expression of your highest frequency and have therefore always been part of your original being.

Strong magnetic field fluctuations

solar windsWell, and due to the current very intense energy quality and the resulting strong ascension potential, many of us will come into more and more contact with our primal aspects, it will become more and more present, an unavoidable process. And in that regard, the energy quality is currently extremely strong. The month of cleansing truly carries a very special power and continues to flush out our entire system. In the last few days in particular, we have also received strong fluctuations in the geomagnetic field, triggered by solar winds. In keeping with this, I would also like to post about the current energetic situation Rosina kaiser quote:

“CURRENT ENERGY SITUATION: Most violent storm in the earth’s magnetic field.. yesterday.. Blue bar. and then another 6 hours of red bars afterwards... that's 9 hours of absolute emergency for people's emotional and nervous systems. And what’s more – a few hours beforehand for 20! Hours the earth's magnetic field was almost solidified. Staying balanced here is a big challenge.
So don't be surprised by extreme behavior - your own reactions and/or those of your loved ones or colleagues.
In the overall situation, getting through the current situation reasonably well takes a lot of energy. So – be patient with yourself – the current wave is also doing a lot of good.”

Ultimately, this February continues to be very transformative. In this context, stronger incoming solar winds in particular also reach the depths of our energetic system and can therefore not only be accompanied by special fine adjustments, but can also resolve further darkness or heavy energies. Well, we can be curious to see what insights we will gain in these weeks. In a few days we will have an energetically very valuable full moon in the zodiac sign Leo and, on February 22.02.2022nd, XNUMX, we will also have the energetic peak of this month. The intensity will therefore continue to increase. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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