Today's daily energy on July 06, 2019 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Virgo at 06:27 a.m. and on the other hand by the strong energetic basic influences, which are not only entirely in the sign of 5D but also catapult us into completely new states of consciousness. The phase of rise, origin and full manifestation of our limitless potential has come and there is no turning back (As a result, it becomes more and more difficult to evade this - no matter which way, the truth about us, the truth about the world, the truth about the system, etc. becomes more and more manifest).
From lack to abundance
On the contrary, the current processes inevitably lead us into the depths of our being and we can no longer escape them in any way. It is a huge step forward and the more we have already developed/ripened spiritually, the more we progress through it Gate of Awakening and thereby discard all structures based on lack. Ultimately, we can all count ourselves very lucky because we all contribute to this collective spiritual expansion every day. Our entire frequency field or our entire energy flows into the collective field and influences everyone, yes, even the entire existence. In the past few weeks, months and years we have achieved great things. And at the end of the day it just keeps going. Our influence has become great and from day to day we are participating in the manifestation of a new age, each individual is of inestimable value - a new world is becoming manifest, is being created by us. Well then, today's daily energy (This can even be applied to the current days as a whole) therefore leads us even deeper into corresponding new structures and will also have a still strong effect through our spiritual development, through our increased frequency, and will realign the collective field; everything will become larger.
Everything in our lives is the visible manifestation of our thought forms that we have produced consciously or unconsciously. – John Randolph Price..!!
And the moon in the zodiac sign Virgo also benefits our own power of manifestation, ultimately making us much more reliable, dutiful, receptive and allowing us to have a stronger impact on the manifestation of new projects, goals and dreams. Therefore, use today's daily energy and continue to create great things. At the moment we can achieve, manifest and revive ANYTHING. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂