Today's daily energy on December 06, 2018 is mainly characterized by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Sagittarius at 03:48 a.m. and from then on gives us influences that on the one hand give us a sharp mind and on the other hand we could feel a much more developed ability to learn. This also means that more pronounced analytical skills are in the foreground.
Temperament & Further Education
Overall, we could be in a much more concentrated mood than usual over the next two to three days, which can be of great benefit to us in everyday life (aside from the fact that the Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius has a penchant for higher education and fundamental knowledge regarding... life). Of course, this doesn't necessarily have to be the case, but it should be said that the “Sagittarius Moon” promotes a correspondingly increased concentration. On the other hand, “Sagittarius moons” also tend to make us feel spirited and “fiery”, meaning we could experience a significantly more energetic state. Ultimately, a corresponding state could be generally experienced, because tomorrow we will most likely experience a high-energy circumstance, because this day is not only a portal day, but also a new moon. The day is therefore characterized by an extremely powerful combination and can certainly shake us up, at least from an energetic point of view. And since the new moon is in the zodiac sign Sagittarius, we could also experience a real boost of energy and, as a result, accomplish a lot. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that new moons always involve new living conditions and also the clearing out of old structures, which is why we can be very excited about this day (As has been mentioned many times recently, anything is possible - a suitable article will follow). Well then, otherwise it's also worth mentioning Mercury, which will turn direct at 22:22 p.m. (On November 17th, Mercury went retrograde, which allowed some themes to become more present for three weeks). In this regard, it should also be said that each planet brings with it completely individual aspects/themes. A retrograde planet is often associated with conflict. One could also say that corresponding topics that are not in harmony are highlighted more intensively. Mercury, for example, is often portrayed as a planet of communication and intellect.
The ability to live happily comes from a power within the soul. – Marcus Aurelius..!!
In particular, it can address our logical thinking, our ability to learn, our ability to concentrate and also our ability to express ourselves verbally. On the other hand, it influences our ability to make decisions and brings all types of human communication to the fore. If Mercury is direct, then its effects in this relationship can be harmonious in nature and there may be understandable/inspiring communication and, if necessary, productive projects/ventures. For this reason, Mercury going direct can be of great benefit to us, especially if there have been some difficulties in this regard in the past few weeks. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂