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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on September 05th, 2018 will continue to be shaped primarily by the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Cancer, which is why our own mental life and the development that comes with it can still be in the foreground. On the other hand, as already mentioned in yesterday's daily energy article, we can gain a little more clarity about our own current state of being, which will subsequently bring us one step closer to our own self-realization, because such awareness can often lead to this that we take action ourselves and immediately use opportunities through which we experience mental well-being.

Intense dreams

daily energySince the moon in the zodiac sign Cancer also gives us influences that could make us much more empathetic and dreamy, it is a good idea to listen into our own soul. Ultimately, such a moon phase, i.e. when the moon moves through the zodiac sign Cancer, is also accompanied by a strong imagination and expressive dreams. In this regard, in this age of awakening we generally experience very intense and vivid dreams, at least that corresponds to the experience of many people. In some cases this circumstance is quite pronounced and due to their tremendous intensity, these dreams can even accompany us throughout the day. In this regard, I personally have to admit that such dreams, as upsetting as the beginning of a day can be, are very enriching (especially since it is generally very important to dream). Well then, parallel to the moon's influences, I would also like another section regarding today's day quality/energy from the page hamani.at quote:

“Today we are experiencing increased energy for realization. Since our physical level is currently being increasingly addressed, this means for us that we can finally fully participate in the daily play here on earth with our entire being. This is the only way we can regain our wholeness. We live in polarity here on earth, so we also playfully enjoy our mental powers, the mental strength in our physical being here on earth and in full awareness of our spiritual/universal being. So let’s give ourselves this day today and just enjoy our being!”

In conclusion, one can say that due to the daily energetic influences, we can not only withdraw a little (recharge our batteries, etc. recognize and experience our own mental life), but we can also enjoy this circumstance, ideally in peace and quiet. At the end of the day, this is highly recommended anyway and is something that I now practice more and more often, i.e. I enter a meditative or even thoughtful state and completely surrender to relaxation. Especially in today's fast-paced and information-filled world, this can be balm for your soul. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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