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daily energy

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

With today's daily energy on October 05th, 2022, we continue to experience the special energetic interplay of the extremely powerful October, which in turn is accompanied by an extremely consciousness-changing and, above all, ascending phase. As in yesterday Daily energy items mentioned, we are also experiencing a strong energy of the Upheaval that is taking place not only on personal levels, but also within the global circumstance. Everything old is falling apart and the return to a holy civilization (the human collective spirit transforming into the sacred/divine) is being pushed forward more and more.


MONTHS of CHANGEDuring these months our fields (or our own field) addressed in depth and important healing and, above all, maturation processes take place. These processes are extremely beneficial to our own prosperity and, at the end of the day, provide fundamental realignments for our entire field. And since our own field contains the entire existence and also encompasses everything, these inner maturation processes automatically ensure a maturation of the external perceptible world. One could also say that the holier/purer/holy and more mature/grounded our own state of being becomes, the more that state will become anchored in the collective and consequently lead the world into ascension. The fact that we free ourselves from stressful and limiting mental patterns is therefore becoming more and more important and, in essence, can hardly escape our own mind. We are literally asked to manifest inner harmony. Since 2020, i.e. the beginning of the golden decade of ascension, our inner change process has taken on greater momentum from month to month. The training and complete rotation of our Merkaba (Light Body – Divine Throne) was/is gaining more and more momentum. And now, in the last months of the third year of this profound time of change, we are more than ever facing the great mastery of our being. The true process of growing up is in full swing and will now become more and more visible in the coming period (the truth is exposed – the heart/soul made visible). October, the same applies to the coming autumn and winter months, will therefore be accompanied by special revelations, that much is certain. We can see a world that is simultaneously becoming more and more prepared for a major reset (more artificial System change - which, however, will bring a deep transformation and revelation for us - the chance to become truly free).

Solar winds and cyclesSolar winds and cycles

And along with this coming restart or major shift in consciousness, more and more energy flows are emerging, which in turn accelerate this process. In particular the sun and moon (yin/yang), as powerful active forces, which in turn with their cycles and special annual events (Sun and moon festivals), guide the earth through this wonderful transformation process. Their effectiveness and intensity also increase. Not only do we commute ourselves (during the ongoing awakening process) become more and more involved in these natural sun and moon cycles, but we experience just as strong energy flows. The sun in particular has been giving us strong ascension signals/impulses for several weeks and months. We received a lot of strong solar winds, especially in September and the past few weeks. Countless solar flares took place and very powerful coronal mass ejections (K(c)orona – Crown = Divine Connection – Crown Chakra) will certainly take place in the next few weeks. As already mentioned in yesterday's daily energy article, for example, over 02 solar flares took place from October 03nd to 30rd and the picture emerged that further large solar flares will occur (i.e. strong solar winds and the associated magnetic field fluctuations will most likely reach us within the next few days/weeks). Solar activities are constantly coming to the fore and signal to us that a major shift is imminent. In this context it should also be said that the solar winds that reach us, on the one hand, trigger magnetic field fluctuations and, on the other hand, have a direct impact on our own energy system. In depth, our own state of being changes and existing entrenched structures are released. All states of separation experience a special cancellation. Well, incidentally, this also applies to the electromagnetic background of the earth or the Schumann resonance frequency. As can be seen in the pictures below, various anomalies and abnormalities have currently been registered.

Schumann resonance frequency
daily energy

These anomalies have been recorded with increasing intensity for months. This is exactly how we have experienced long measurement failures and large black shifts in the past few months, most recently a few weeks ago. Everything currently indicates that we are moving towards very big shifts in this regard. Some speak of the complete pole shift (Polarity reversal of the earth's magnetic field), others from an upcoming powerful coronal mass ejection that will paralyze the entire infrastructure and one Blackout results. No matter what happens, the increasing cosmic activities represent clear signals and show us the progress of the global awakening process. The current months, especially October, still carry a magic that is hard to grasp and we can be curious to see what changes will come to us. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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