Today's daily energy on April 04th, 2021 is mainly characterized by the energetically strong influences of Easter, because Easter and especially Easter Sunday is symbolic of the resurrection of Christ consciousness (a high-frequency state of consciousness based above all on freedom, love, unconditionality, wisdom, divinity and light). The days before marked the illusion that the old, i.e. the Christ consciousness suppressed by the cabal system (at the core, of course, suppressed by ourselves - since the world outside arises from our innermost being, you yourself are the source/creator) and today the luminous and, above all, never-dissolvable Christ consciousness returns (this is a key aspect of today's prevailing energy quality).
Resurrection of Christ Consciousness
Ultimately, the energy of today also embodies an overarching vibration that has been becoming more and more intense for years (primarily since 2012 and especially since 2020 - the golden decade - extremely increasing) and determines the direction of the collective mind. Humanity is gradually ascending to a divine civilization and discarding all shadows and other low-frequency structures while walking this path. Structures that in turn stand in the way of the maximum development of Christ consciousness. As I said, you yourself are the way, the truth and the life (Jesus Christ: I am the way, the truth and the life). One could also say that the Christ consciousness represents the way, the truth and the life. After all, such a pure and luminous state of consciousness goes hand in hand with the healing of the world. It is a state in which we have mastered our own incarnation and thereby entered our full potential. Diseases are no longer present/existent within such a healed state. Your own light body vibrates so high or rotates so fast that lower energies of all kinds no longer have any stability. In exactly the same way, this high-vibration state of consciousness goes hand in hand with the experience of divine abilities. Aside from the constant creation of new circumstances (We ourselves allow ideas to become lived circumstances - we can create anything and are constantly creating everything) particularly highly magical and supernatural abilities stand out. The aging process is reversed. Time as such no longer lasts (100% anchored in the now, in the eternal and all-encompassing present). The physical body has such a high frequency field that it has become truly immortal/unbreakable. We can materialize thoughts in the blink of an eye, teleport to any place, and transform material circumstances in the blink of an eye (element transmutation). We have then truly realized our God Self and mastered the Ascension of Spirit/Creation.
It is the foundation stone for a free world and will completely envelop the outside world in light. Today's highly magical day can therefore perfectly remind us of this original state (that everyone deserves or can create) and show us a world that we can reactivate at any time. As I said, our own state of consciousness is the main cause for the unfolding of this light. We can be anything and create anything. There are no limits or only the limits that we impose on ourselves, for example by telling ourselves that it is not possible to achieve such a state. And since today marks the sixth portal day of the ten-day series, today's Christ energy quality will be experienced even more intensely. A special quality of energy flows through our states of consciousness today. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
A very very good report that meets God's standard.