Today's daily energy on March 03rd, 2019 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Aquarius yesterday evening at 20:08 p.m. and on the other hand by the moon, which continues to be highly cleansing and, above all, healing Energy quality. In keeping with this, special influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency have now reached us again.
Resonance frequency anomalies
The strong influences of the sun (solar winds) of the last few days are over again (see top/left picture), but as you can see in the picture below, the planetary resonance frequency was accompanied by some anomalies. This time even influences were recorded that I have never seen before, i.e. the unclassifiable swings that curve downwards are completely unknown to me.
So I can't say exactly what this is all about, except that this definitely represents an anomaly or impulses that are all about transformation, that much is certain. Ultimately, in the current phase, every day is extremely transformative and brings us influences that are extremely cleansing in nature and therefore also have incredible healing potential. Our process of becoming whole is progressing more and more and we can make groundbreaking progress. Our mental and spiritual flourishing is unstoppable. Well, the Aquarius Moon brings us influences through which we could feel a very strong urge for freedom within us. Other influences are as follows:
“The fulfilled Moon in Aquarius is emotionally calm and self-sufficient. His love is more of a universal one than one that would be aimed exclusively at one partner. He has a sense of personal responsibility and respect. He doesn't bow to nonsensical laws and sees things more according to his own social conscience. He is interested in all people, especially when the encounter takes place on the same level. He needs company and makes contacts quickly, is a good friend and yet remains independent and happy with himself in his own way. He reacts calmly to pressure or rebels and detaches himself from it. They want to be recognized as independent beings and for them it is natural that you can talk if there are problems. Actually, Moon in Aquarius always wants to do good, everyone should be fine just the way they are.” – Source:
Today we could, if necessary, reorient ourselves and lay the foundations for a living situation by breaking down significantly more self-imposed limits in order to be able to realize a state of consciousness based on freedom, peace and independence. Well, finally I would like to draw attention to a new short video of mine in which I philosophize a little about the topic of meditation. As announced in the video, a detailed article will follow in the next few days. With this in mind, friends, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂