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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on February 02nd, 2022 gives us an extremely powerful energy quality and finally allows us to pass through a LARGE PORTAL. In this context, we are also on the last day of the ten-day portal day series and are therefore experiencing the completion of an extremely transcending and, above all, purifying phase or the completion of a period of time, which was not only characterized by permanent increases in energy and an extremely accelerated quality of time (or rather it felt as if the present moment was expanding at an unprecedented pace - which is why these 10 days could feel like a whole month - 10 days that could fundamentally realign and change you), but also from the increased regression into our original or healed/holy self-image (the final state of everyone - the unfolded healed/ascended self - The maximum abundance, magic and miracle state - A spirit that has entered the Kingdom of God/Highest Frequency - Holiness - feeling oneself as completely holy - God, Experience Christ in yourself – your own healed/holy spirit – paradise).

Das 2•2•2•2•2 Portal

The 2•2•2•2 portalAnd this last or rather tenth portal day allows us to feel another major change in consciousness, because it is the passage through a very large portal, i.e. the first 2•2•2•2•2 Wassermannportal (despite the moon changing to the zodiac sign Pisces at 12:04 | DThe second 2•2•2•2•2 reaches us on February 22.02.2022nd, XNUMX - only then marked by a different zodiac sign). On the one hand, we are also in an intensive Aquarius phase in this regard, because the sun and moon are currently in the zodiac sign Aquarius, which means that the element of air and all the structures associated with it are in the foreground (lift your spirit into the air/heaven/highest realm). On the other hand, this concentrated Aquarius energy also illuminates all of our structures, in particular conflicts, through which we still remain bound to density and prevent us from fully ascending to the highest spheres. The Aquarius energy is, in its depth, very strongly designed to ensure that we overcome our self-imposed limitations or, above all, that we transform our existence in density (Overcome all mental boundaries). And with this special energy mixture, resulting from the Aquarius frequency, we are now going through the tenth and final portal day, which also falls on a numerologically strong day, namely February 02nd, 02, which together is 2022 or 10 , – the completion, the unity, which represents wholeness and perfection. On the other hand, the five twos also symbolize the golden mean or, in essence, even the potentiation of the two, i.e. it is primarily about the unification/merging of our dualistic aspects.

The maximum union

The maximum unionBe it our inner and outer world, light and shadow, male and female energy, God and Goddess, today's 2•2•2•2•2 Aquarius portal represents the merging of all of our parts within our spirit, giving us a state of harmony can experience. Ultimately, we can be curious to see to what extent the powerful energies of the last portal day will affect us. Well, in keeping with today's special Aquarius portal, I would like another section from the page zarah's adventure quote:

Beloved, on February 2/2 you will be passing through a very special portal of consciousness, the Aquarius Portal. This year it falls on February 2nd, 2.2.2022 and we have called it “The Gates of Paradise”. This is when you come together in a Sacred Initiation that activates manifestation on the New Earth timeline. You will see and perceive Heaven manifesting on the New Earth timeline. You will see Heaven manifest on Earth, in your own space and in your own New Earth timeline. Whatever chaos and control manifests on the low frequency timeline, on the New Earth timeline there will be freedom and love.

As Masters of Energy and Love, you are required to hold your love energy and create a bridge of light to allow others to find their way to the New Earth timeline. Not everyone on the alternate timeline will be willing or even interested, but those who are, and indeed there will be many, will need your help to make the transition and their frequencies and their perceptions to the New Earth to raise. In 2022, many of you will be called to expand your work and activate new aspects of your mission on Earth. You will wear your Crown of Light, and you will be Sovereign Beings who lead others to their own Sovereignty and Crowns of Light. Beloved, do not shy away, now is the time to arise and be filled with power.

With this in mind, everyone enjoy crossing the great 2•2•2•2•2 Aquarius portal today and absorb the energies with full devotion. We are excited to see to what extent today's energy quality will affect our cells and our minds. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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