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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on October 01st, 2018 is predominantly influenced by the moon in the zodiac sign Gemini, which is why there is still an increased thirst for knowledge, a more pronounced communicative mood and, overall, a sharper mind (greater ingenuity, quick comprehension, quick solutions, etc.) . In the evening, to be precise at 20 p.m., the moon changes again to the zodiac sign Cancer and from then on gives us influences that in turn stand for relaxation, spiritual strength, peace and security (but more on that in tomorrow's daily energy article).

Pluto direct again

Pluto direct againOn the other hand, Pluto became direct again at 04:03 a.m. In this context, each planet has its own individual energetic potential and symbolizes different aspects. In particular, the position or distance to our planet allows corresponding influences to become more apparent. The same applies to the “direction/movement” (as viewed from Earth) of a planet. Retrograde planets are often associated with disharmonious circumstances, but often also with topics that are now becoming more relevant to us or should even become more relevant. With direct rotation, the opposite is the case. In addition, a retrograde, viewed symbolically, is associated with an inward force. With a direct movement one speaks, symbolically, of a force directed outwards. In this regard, Pluto is associated with transformation, which is why it is often referred to as the transformation planet. It also stands for transience, change, shadows and deep fears (overcoming), transitions and living out one's own intellectual and psychological potential.

The more beautiful and full the memory, the harder the separation is. But gratitude transforms the memory into a quiet joy. You don't carry the beauty of the past like a thorn, but like a precious gift. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer..!!

Because of its direct nature, quite transformative and cleansing circumstances could now reach us. Changes are initiated much more easily and can also be accepted much more easily. Ultimately, Pluto's direct rotation brings with it tremendous potential, especially at the moment it is generally huge Mood of upheaval prevails and people experience changes and spiritual realignments on all levels of existence. The transformative circumstance will certainly now be reinforced and bring about a certain change. At this point I'll link my latest video again below (uploaded yesterday evening) which takes up this current transformative circumstance and also the current mood of change.

Well, for this reason, the current transformative phase could now experience a certain escalation (in a positive sense) and could benefit us and our current living conditions very much. How we will experience this phase and what we will do with it or whether we will resonate with the current energetic potential depends entirely on ourselves and the use of our own mental abilities. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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