With today's daily energy on April 01st, 2024, the special influences of April reach us, which stands for deep change and, above all, transformation. These characteristics are not only due to the fact that within April, as the second month of spring, nature continues to awaken and adapt to flourish and grow, but moreover, in a few days we will also have a total reach solar eclipse. This triggers major processes of change. As a result, the entire month of April will bring groundbreaking innovations for us.
growth and advancement
Given this, we can now confront our deepest longing for a new life. We often carry unfulfilled aspects of life within us, which, however, are often kept suppressed. However, this month these aspects can become so prominent that there is no other option than to change our circumstances. A deep unveiling of our true core will therefore be at the forefront. Thanks to the solar year, an extremely strong realignment quality also affects us, because the sun always wants us to live and express our true essence. Everything that no longer fulfills us and therefore does not correspond to our inner convictions and drives at all can and will go. This month, and basically the entire year, will be about the unfolding of a true life in which we allow our being to fully ignite. Now, regardless of this fundamental orientation, there are other constellations that also affect us, which will result in further special features.
On April 02nd: Mercury goes retrograde in Aries
At the beginning, Mercury will retrograde in the zodiac sign Aries on April 02nd. This will mark the beginning of a phase in which we can rethink our own patterns and ambitions on a large scale. Mercury is also considered a planet of communication and intellect. In particular, it can have a strong influence on our logical thinking, our ability to learn and our linguistic expression. It also influences our ability to make decisions and brings all types of communication to the fore. In the coming retrograde phase, however, its effects will be of a decelerated nature, which can lead to misunderstandings and general problems and discussions becoming bumpy. Negotiations of any kind are also rather counterproductive in nature, which is why it is often said that we should not conclude contracts in such a phase. With Mercury retrograde, we are being asked to pause and retreat rather than act rashly. Especially because of the Aries energy, which likes to lead us into action and action, we should remain calm and practice not acting rashly.
On April 05th: Venus moves into Aries
With Venus, the planet of love, beauty and harmony, entering impulsive Aries, we can prepare for a time of high energy and passion in our relationships and creative endeavors. In doing so, we should be rekindled internally, which is expressed in the fact that we receive very inspiring impulses. Furthermore, this constellation allows us to wear our hearts on our sleeves. So Venus always goes hand in hand with our own heart chakra. Because of the Aries zodiac sign, we can enter a quality where we let our heart speak directly instead of holding back.
On April 08th: Total solar eclipse
On April 08th we will experience a very powerful event in terms of energy, as a total solar eclipse will manifest itself on this day. This eclipse coincides with the new moon in the zodiac sign Aries. As the Sun continues to be anchored in the sign of Aries at this time, a pure quality of fire will come to us. Everything will be geared towards a new beginning. After all, solar eclipses, especially total solar eclipses, are associated with the greatest fateful influences of all. Even the most deeply hidden aspects in our field can come to the surface and reveal themselves to us. Due to the double quality of Aries, which as the first sign in the zodiac cycle always marks the beginning, everything is geared towards a new beginning. A fundamental reorganization within our own field is therefore most likely to occur.
On April 19th: Sun moves into the zodiac sign Taurus
On April 19th the sun changes to the zodiac sign Taurus. This means that the big monthly solar change takes place and the time of those born in Taurus begins. After the fire phase, which is all about pure manifestation and creativity, the Aries sun encourages us to continue pursuing our goals with perseverance and perseverance instead of falling back into old, damaging patterns. Furthermore, a Taurus phase is always accompanied by inner peace. Everyday life needs to be mastered with care and balance. Also, at this point we will be close to the third month of spring. The increased temperatures and the blossoming within nature can benefit a Taurus spirit and promote inner balance.
On April 24th: Full moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio
On April 24th a full moon will manifest itself in the zodiac sign Scorpio. The intensity will be very high on this day. A Scorpio full moon generally has the highest energy density in nature. As has often been mentioned, trees, plants and nature as a whole have the highest energy and nutrient density during a Scorpio phase. In addition, the Scorpio full moon will be accompanied by extremely changing aspects. Scorpio also embodies the changing principle of death and birth, as is also attributed to its ruling planet, Pluto. A deep transformation can therefore appear on this day. Old circumstances die and new ones are born.
On April 25th: Mercury becomes direct again
Exactly one day later, on April 25th, Mercury in Aries will go into direct heat again. This means that it is a good time to sign new contracts, make big decisions, implement projects and break new ground. After all, such undertakings during a declining phase carry the risk of bringing chaos. In the direct phase, however, the exact opposite takes place and corresponding ventures are extremely favored. Due to the Aries zodiac sign, this is also the perfect opportunity to put all the new impulses from the previous days into action. Now everything wants to move forward.
On April 29th: Venus moves into Taurus
On April 29th, Venus switches to the zodiac sign Taurus. This brings us to a phase in which it will be about peace, enjoyment and sensuality, at least in relation to our everyday pleasures. In this regard, it is also important to always take a break and allow yourself to rest, which each of us does in our own individual way every day, even if it is only for a few hours. Within the Venus-Taurus combination, these hours can be very inspiring and lead us particularly into quiet moments.
Mars moves into Aries
Last but not least, Mars moves into the zodiac sign Aries on April 30th. The warrior planet or planet of will and determination can bring a very activating but also impetuous, heated and progressive influence, especially in the fiery sign of Aries. The main focus is on realizing our plans, which we can or even want to pursue with all our might under this constellation. In general, in this phase we can move forward with extreme determination, courage and, above all, action, which means we can realize ourselves more strongly than ever before. On the other hand, this strong warrior and fire energy, at least when we are not in harmony ourselves, favors impatient, more precisely reckless moods in the realization of our own plans. Here we should proceed carefully and mindfully. Regardless, this constellation is very inspiring and can reawaken our inner drive.
The month of April will be extremely transformative and realigning. Not only do the April energies represent a deep transformation of our being, but above all, the solar eclipse, as the highlight of this month, will clear up everything that no longer belongs to us and only slows down the development of our true core. Well, let us therefore welcome April and welcome the month of deep transformation. Special impulses will reach us.