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Thoughts form the basis of every human being and, as I have often mentioned in my texts, have an incredible creative potential. Every act committed, every word uttered, every sentence written, and every occurrence was first conceived before it was realized on a material plane. Everything that has happened, is happening and will happen existed first in thought form before becoming physically manifest. With the power of thought we therefore shape and change our reality, because we are ourselves creators of our own universe, our own life.

Self-healing through thoughts, is that even possible?

Spirit rules over matter and not vice versa. Our thoughts are the measure of all things and influence our physical presence at all times. For this reason, our thoughts are also crucial for our health. If our entire energetic basis is constantly burdened by negative thought processes, then sooner or later this will have a very lasting effect on our physical body. Thoughts consist of energetic states and these have the ability to change energetically. Energetic states can condense and decondense. A de-densification occurs when we feed our own reality with high-vibrational/light/positive trains of thought. In this way we increase our own vibration level, vibrate at a higher frequency and thus improve our physical and mental constitution. An energetic compression arises when we are in resonance with negativity/dense energy. If someone legitimizes negativity in the form of resentment, envy, jealousy, dissatisfaction, anger, etc. in their own mind over a long period of time, then this leads to a continuous densification of their own subtle clothing. One could then also speak of an energetic or intellectual blockage. Your own mental field becomes increasingly dense, overloaded, which then leads to a weakening of your own immune system. The energetic body then shifts this pollution onto the physical body, which can result in disease. What you think or what you believe in and what you are completely convinced of always forms your own reality.

cureOne's own attitude always manifests itself as truth in one's own existential foundation. For example, if I am firmly convinced that I am ill or could become ill and believe in it 100%, then this increases the probability of illness immensely. How else should it be? The entire life of a human being, the entire reality of a human being consists exclusively of consciousness, thoughts, which essentially consist of energetic states. If we constantly focus on thoughts of illness then our energetic base picks up this information, our own universe will then cause us to experience this illness. The more often we then concentrate on the corresponding train of thought, the more strongly this mental pattern manifests itself in our own reality. This happens due to the law of resonance, because this universal law ensures that energy always attracts energy of the same intensity.

What we focus on, we draw into our lives. And the more often you concentrate on something, the more it marks your own existence. For example, if I think about tragic moments in the past and become sad because of it, then I have an opportunity to put it aside and free myself from this mental torment. But the more often I think about this situation, the more I allow this sadness, the more this feeling will make itself felt in my life. The feeling increases and increasingly affects your own body. That's an exciting mechanism of life. What you mentally resonate with will increasingly attract you into your own life. Those who resonate with love will draw more love into their lives. When you resonate with gratitude, you will experience gratitude more, when you resonate with grief or illness then you are bound to draw those feelings into your life.

The inner state is reflected in the outside world!

Activate self-healingIn addition, your own thoughts are reflected in external reality (the principle of correspondence). For example, if someone is sad, angry, or happy, then that person looks at their outside world from the corresponding sentiment. For example, if someone tells themselves that they are not pretty, they are not. For example, how is a person supposed to radiate "beauty" if he constantly convinces himself that it's not me? At that moment, the person then radiates their own dissatisfaction with their own appearance. One transfers one's negative thoughts onto one's material presence. Other people then perceive you in exactly the same way, because your own train of thought is reflected again and again in the outside world of your own reality, and you radiate exactly this feeling to other people. Of course, no one in the world is ugly or unworthy. Every human being is a unique and wonderful being in its fullness and has an inexhaustible beauty deep inside that can be expressed at any time.

Each living being is an individual and beautiful being and, like everything in existence, is made up of the energetic convergence that has always existed. we are all one image of God, an immaterial/material expression of consciousness and bursting with infinite possibilities and capabilities. And with these abilities we can also heal ourselves, we are able to heal our complete physical and psychological presence ourselves. At this point, one more thing should be said about the outside of a person. Some people often do not find themselves pretty and may be afraid that other people might feel the same way. All I can say is that you shouldn't be guided by fear at this moment, because men and women feel attracted to each other, and nothing will ever change that. Everything strives for balance, just as men and women strive for balance by attracting and uniting each other. Men are attracted to femininity and vice versa. You should never convince yourself that the opposite sex might not find you attractive, after all the opposite sex is attracted to the other in most cases. It's just the complete presence, the feminine or masculine charisma that contributes a part to attractiveness or attraction. Unfortunately, I can't think of any other example right now, but you could put up 100 naked women or men, by and large most of the people would be attracted to you, by and large you would find most of this person attractive. This is not only related to the material aspect, but above all to the immaterial aspect. As a man, you simply feel attracted to the female charisma and vice versa, and nothing will ever change that. Of course there are exceptions here too, but exceptions prove the rule, as we all know.

Activate your own self-healing again

Mental HealingThe body's own self-healing powers have never gone away, they have always been there and just need to be activated again. We can achieve this by changing our own attitude and directing our thoughts towards healing. You have to free yourself from thoughts that trigger illness and try to live in harmony with yourself as best you can. You can no longer convince yourself that you are ill or will become ill, but you have to gain the firm conviction that you are healthy and that illnesses cannot harm you, yes, that illnesses are even good and important to get out of these lower mechanisms of existence to learn. If you are constantly mentally in resonance with health, joy, love, peace and healing, then you are guaranteed to manifest these aspects in your own reality.

Since every person is the creator of their own present reality, every person is responsible for their own health. Every person can heal himself and activate his own self-healing powers through positive thinking and acting, decompressing his own energetic vibration level. It's up to us. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • autumn leaf 11. December 2020, 1: 29

      Dear author,

      I have a question about the article, about exactly this quote from the article "And the more often you concentrate on something, the more it marks your own existence. For example, if I think about tragic moments in the past and become sad because of it, then I have an opportunity to put it aside and free myself from this mental torment. But the more often I think about this situation, the more I allow this sadness, the more this feeling will make itself felt in my life. The feeling increases and increasingly affects one’s own body.”
      How do I find the balance between feeling an experience to complete it and not thinking about it but thinking positively to create something new? How do I understand that I'm not drowning in suffering, but rather completing something. And that I think positively to create something new and get healthy without suppressing it? In my experience, one statement contradicts the other. Or I do not recognize the balance. Either I live through an experience or I focus on something new. I go crazy if I have to do both at the same time or alternately and, depending on the focus, sink into sorrow and grief or feel more comfortable, afraid of ignoring certain perceptions afterwards. Some injured areas of the body show severe injury when I allow myself to feel sorry, while everything seems relatively okay when I think positively, even though I go through life weakened. I really want to heal the suffering and the body with my thoughts. And I want to find confidence that it's curable. When do I do how much of what? I have no idea how to do this properly. Or whether it is healthy to only think positively, for example. Or if I risk repressing something. Blockages are often released through this pure feeling in blockages. but it's not good for the mind. Positive thinking makes me more active, but some stress in my body that needs healing may seem ignored. And I wonder if I don't overload the body then. And whether the blockages heal if I only think positively. I'm afraid I dwell too much on the negative. Maybe that will balance itself out if you strengthen the positive? At the same time, I can't keep up with the injuries when I'm trying to feel and heal them, because it's a lot. Maybe it heals faster if I'm more positive and feel the wounds less often? Do you know this dichotomy? Both show a certain effect and movement in the system. But how do I recognize what is really good for me? I ask for help, the question has been tormenting me for years how to deal with it. Thanks.

      LG, Herbstblatt (I hope a nickname is ok)

    autumn leaf 11. December 2020, 1: 29

    Dear author,

    I have a question about the article, about exactly this quote from the article "And the more often you concentrate on something, the more it marks your own existence. For example, if I think about tragic moments in the past and become sad because of it, then I have an opportunity to put it aside and free myself from this mental torment. But the more often I think about this situation, the more I allow this sadness, the more this feeling will make itself felt in my life. The feeling increases and increasingly affects one’s own body.”
    How do I find the balance between feeling an experience to complete it and not thinking about it but thinking positively to create something new? How do I understand that I'm not drowning in suffering, but rather completing something. And that I think positively to create something new and get healthy without suppressing it? In my experience, one statement contradicts the other. Or I do not recognize the balance. Either I live through an experience or I focus on something new. I go crazy if I have to do both at the same time or alternately and, depending on the focus, sink into sorrow and grief or feel more comfortable, afraid of ignoring certain perceptions afterwards. Some injured areas of the body show severe injury when I allow myself to feel sorry, while everything seems relatively okay when I think positively, even though I go through life weakened. I really want to heal the suffering and the body with my thoughts. And I want to find confidence that it's curable. When do I do how much of what? I have no idea how to do this properly. Or whether it is healthy to only think positively, for example. Or if I risk repressing something. Blockages are often released through this pure feeling in blockages. but it's not good for the mind. Positive thinking makes me more active, but some stress in my body that needs healing may seem ignored. And I wonder if I don't overload the body then. And whether the blockages heal if I only think positively. I'm afraid I dwell too much on the negative. Maybe that will balance itself out if you strengthen the positive? At the same time, I can't keep up with the injuries when I'm trying to feel and heal them, because it's a lot. Maybe it heals faster if I'm more positive and feel the wounds less often? Do you know this dichotomy? Both show a certain effect and movement in the system. But how do I recognize what is really good for me? I ask for help, the question has been tormenting me for years how to deal with it. Thanks.

    LG, Herbstblatt (I hope a nickname is ok)
