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protective shield

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This rather short, but nevertheless detailed article is about a topic that is becoming more and more important and is also being taken up by more and more people. We are talking about protection or protection options from disharmonious influences. In this context, there are a variety of influences in today's world, which in turn have a negative impact on our own Mind can exercise or influences through which we expose ourselves to mental stress.

Create your own "protective shield"

Create your own "shield"In that regard, there are myriad influences that can in turn put a strain on our own frequency state (the fundamental frequency of our state of consciousness, from which our reality springs). Electrosmog should be mentioned here, for example. Nowadays we experience an exceeding of corresponding limit values ​​(especially soon through 5G) and are consequently exposed to more and more electrosmog sources. There are countless indications that electrosmog can have a rather detrimental effect on our own mind/body/spirit system. The same also applies to chemtrails, through which we are not only increasingly exposed to toxic particles (aluminium, barium, strontium, etc. - increased concentrations of the corresponding substances are being measured more and more often - here is a related article), but we also run the risk of becoming mentally burdened by the practice. Of course, one could expand the whole thing and also refer to the disharmonious reactions of other people, but this is not intended to be the content of the article, but it should be much more about ways of protecting oneself from such influences. Ultimately, even if all of these influences are present, it should be said that all of these influences do not necessarily have to have a negative impact on us. At the end of the day, what matters is how we deal with it. For example, if we convince ourselves that we are exposed to electrosmog every day and that this makes us ill, if we then focus on this disharmonious circumstance and we are generally not stable at the moment, then we are putting a strain on our own mind and experience a lowering of our own frequency state.

The development of inner values ​​is similar to physical exercise. The more we train our skills, the stronger we become. The difference is that unlike the body, in the development of the mind there is no limit to how far we can go. – Dalai Lama..!!

Ultimately, everything arises from our own spirit, we ourselves are the space in which everything happens and consequently our own basic attitude and consequently also our individual approach is very important. The best "protective shield" that we can build up against such influences is a strong, balanced, peaceful and stable mind, i.e. a mental state that cannot be easily upset. We then know, for example, that these influences are present, but we don't let them affect us in any way, simply because we have a very strong spiritual foundation and consequently keep our own vibrational frequency constantly high. Of course, there are also useful aids in all areas that not only give us a better feeling, but also have a harmonizing influence on our own spirit, for example corresponding protective stones such as tourmaline (or precious shungite) or even orgonites. Nevertheless, we should be aware that the manifestation of a stable, consolidated and high-frequency state of consciousness represents the most effective and best protection of all. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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