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insect food

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Insects have been approved as food for a few days, which means that appropriately selected insects can now be processed or integrated in food. This new circumstance brings with it some serious consequences and represents another aspect of keeping humanity captive in a difficult or rather in a burdened mental state. Finally aim all innovations and measures emanating from the system always depend on keeping our own mental state small. Nothing happens by chance, which is why the current introduction of insect food has not come about without a reason (which, by the way, had been tried to make us palatable in advance by well-known "personalities" - advertising videos by American actors). There are reasons for the sudden change in western cuisine.

The Energy of Death

insect foodThe rule or the preservation of control over the collective consciousness is behind any "state" action and law enforcement. Well, nonetheless, this article is intended to be specifically about the energetic effects of insect food and how it is thought to further impact our consciousness. Fundamentally, the very energy behind this new introduction is pure burden or darkness. So insects or animals are bred in abundance only to be killed, processed and eaten afterwards. It is the breeding of millions of living beings that ultimately suffer the willed death. For this reason, the energy of death flows in here, 1:1, just as it is the case with meat consumption. We breed, kill, and then absorb this energy into our own system (if animals had a religion, then man would be the devil). That alone is already a catastrophe from a moral and energetic point of view. The murder of animals has become an established normality in our world. But that this represents an extreme encroachment on the natural balance and thereby completely disregards the lives of countless living beings should represent a basic knowledge of the human mind (the greatness and moral progress of a nation can be measured by how it treats animals).

Effects on our energy field

Effects on our energy fieldAnd now the industrial food, which is already a burden, is supplemented by other harmful or disease-causing substances/energies. Regardless of the fact that the chitin contained in insects in particular is associated with various hereditary diseases, has a strong allergy-triggering potential and also promotes or even increases asthma, the energetic aspect is all the more important. Regardless of the fact that, as already mentioned, we take in the energy of "death" (the breeding, the intention behind it, the murder, we take on this entire energetic spectrum), so through this food we connect with the field of insects. Seen in this way, we let the frequency of the insects into our own energy system, because we connect with their field with every consumption. This promotes an instinct-oriented mind, which will subsequently find it much more difficult to develop its mind into higher spheres. And these effects affect our entire biochemistry, even our DNA, which is in direct interaction with our own spiritual direction, is affected by it. At the end of the day, this food creates a deadening or heaviness within our own field and is said to interfere with our own spiritual development process. Now and then in the near future processed insects or ground insects (insect meal) and other components are used to manufacture various industrial products, we ourselves can no longer avoid completely changing our lifestyle. Of course, we should generally already have wheat (Gluten), products containing sugar (Industrial sugar), ready meals or meals full of chemical additives, contaminated water, meat and co. avoid, but this step of the system will drastically increase the urgency again. Ultimately, this circumstance encourages us to eat naturally and, above all, to grow it ourselves and ultimately to build one self-sufficient lifestyle. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Tillmann 9. February 2023, 14: 40

      Hello there, is it generally the case with insects that they have the energy of death?
      Or does that only mean industrial processing?
      I ask because firstly I had a mealworm farm, ate them and felt a high vibrational feeling, secondly I already killed them to eat (eat what eats away your food),
      Thirdly, I cannot relate to these creatures in the same way as I can to cattle, pigs, deer, etc.
      Apart from the natives or indogenes who use everything and discard nothing (killing the fur,
      because of the horn, because of the fin without feeding on it), I am clear with my conscience.

      I am of the opinion that a line should be drawn here, after all, plants are also alive. If we want to feed ourselves without killing living things, we must limit ourselves to minerals (trace elements), but that is only the next step in our development.

      Plea: Living in peace with the animals, not being afraid of strangers, ghosts, extraterrestrial beings and/or gods and living in harmony with them on this earth is ours
      Task. We'll start with the animals and we'll prove that you don't have to be afraid of us anymore.

      With love your Tilo

    • Tillmann 10. February 2023, 1: 11

      I wrote a message and ask for publication

    Tillmann 10. February 2023, 1: 11

    I wrote a message and ask for publication

    • Tillmann 9. February 2023, 14: 40

      Hello there, is it generally the case with insects that they have the energy of death?
      Or does that only mean industrial processing?
      I ask because firstly I had a mealworm farm, ate them and felt a high vibrational feeling, secondly I already killed them to eat (eat what eats away your food),
      Thirdly, I cannot relate to these creatures in the same way as I can to cattle, pigs, deer, etc.
      Apart from the natives or indogenes who use everything and discard nothing (killing the fur,
      because of the horn, because of the fin without feeding on it), I am clear with my conscience.

      I am of the opinion that a line should be drawn here, after all, plants are also alive. If we want to feed ourselves without killing living things, we must limit ourselves to minerals (trace elements), but that is only the next step in our development.

      Plea: Living in peace with the animals, not being afraid of strangers, ghosts, extraterrestrial beings and/or gods and living in harmony with them on this earth is ours
      Task. We'll start with the animals and we'll prove that you don't have to be afraid of us anymore.

      With love your Tilo

    • Tillmann 10. February 2023, 1: 11

      I wrote a message and ask for publication

    Tillmann 10. February 2023, 1: 11

    I wrote a message and ask for publication
