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shooting stars

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Today or especially tonight, i.e. the night from August 12th to August 13th, is accompanied by a very special event and that is a night of shooting stars. It should be said at this point that the month of August as a whole was a very shooting star rich month and, for example, we were able to see some shooting stars yesterday.

Night of wishes

Night of wishesSo far, meteor showers have always been active, meaning that shooting stars were always visible to us, at least when the night was reasonably clear and not covered by too many carpets of clouds. Today, up to 100 shooting stars (Perseids) can be seen every hour. In this context, the shooting stars or “summer meteors” also come from the Earth's immediate environment, because once a year between mid-July and August, our planet crosses its orbit with a cloud of tiny particles, which in turn can be traced back to Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. This orbits the sun every 13 years, each time leaving a trail that crosses our planet. Since the comet has circled the sun quite often, the meteor shower is now particularly pregnant, at least during this time. For this reason, we can also see shooting stars in the coming days, even if after tonight there will be significantly fewer, for example an average of fifty shooting stars per hour, which is of course not a small number.

Night of wishes

shooting starsEverything in existence has corresponding influences and is always accompanied by corresponding mental constructs. In exactly the same way, we humans have always associated shooting stars with wishes and wish fulfillment. Where this belief or superstition comes from is unknown (or I found absolutely nothing about it myself). What is known, however, is that in fairly early times various events were associated with the stars and other visible celestial phenomena, which is why it can be assumed that this superstition has prevailed for a long time. At this point it is also worth mentioning that not all earlier cultures viewed shooting stars as a sign of wish fulfillment; negative circumstances were also interpreted there. Nevertheless, the basic idea that prevails today is that shooting stars are associated with wish fulfillment, even if this idea is of course not taken seriously by everyone, but that does not change the fact that we ourselves associate shooting stars with wishes. I also have to say that I find this basic idea very appealing and go hand in hand with it or let it become manifest as truth in my reality. In this context it should also be said again that we ourselves are responsible for what we allow to become manifest as truth in our own reality and what we do not. It therefore depends on ourselves what becomes an aspect of our own mind and what we do not allow to become manifest in our own mind. We are the space in which everything happens and therefore we ourselves determine what becomes reality, because at the end of the day we create our own reality. For example, superstition can also exist, namely when we are completely convinced of the corresponding superstition.

Since we are the creators of our own reality, we can also decide for ourselves what becomes reality and what does not. We always create our own beliefs and convictions, which significantly shape our lives..!!

If we see a black cat and convince ourselves that this cat can bring us bad luck (the poor animal^^), then this can also happen, not because the cat generally brings bad luck, but because we humans ourselves are convinced of it and As a result, the supposed misfortune becomes manifest. Because of our conviction and firm belief in misfortune, misfortune can only become reality (the same is true with placebos, which achieve a corresponding effect through firm belief in an effect). Personally, I let this idea of ​​wish fulfillment become reality. I believe in it, I am convinced of it, I tell myself that it is not without reason that for centuries people have been making wishes come true through shooting stars and as a result I have associated shooting stars with wish fulfillment. Of course, how we look at the whole thing depends entirely on ourselves. However, one thing is certain and that is that we will be able to see quite a few shooting stars tonight and that represents a special event. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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