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new moon

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Tomorrow it's that time again and another new moon will reach us, to be precise it's the sixth new moon this month. This new moon will bring us quite “awakening” energies, especially since it is a new moon in the zodiac sign Gemini. For this reason, the new moon also stands for higher-level insights, i.e. we could absorb countless new information and thereby gain significantly better understanding of our own state of being.

On the way to abundance

On the way to abundanceBut insights into the illusory world and the “matrix system” itself are also in the foreground. Ultimately, it could be a very enlightening or revealing new moon. On the other hand, tomorrow will favor a renewal of our mind/body/spirit system or a realignment of our own mental state. As far as this is concerned, new moons, as the name suggests, generally represent new things - the creation and experience of new life situations and conditions. Especially on new moon days, we are tempted to experience new life situations and could subsequently initiate a realignment of our own mental state. Fundamental changes can also come into effect, through which we then take a completely new path in life (I have often had this experience on new moon days). Of course, you can make corresponding realignments or changes manifest on all other days, but new moon days in particular are perfect for this and promote corresponding projects. This could also refer to all life circumstances or even projects. Maybe you currently have plans to realize new projects, or you want to get rid of old, sustainable living situations?! If necessary, you would also like to completely change your own lifestyle and create a healthier or more balanced and light-filled self?! All of these are projects whose foundations we could lay, especially tomorrow. In some cases, the influences of the new moon are so helpful to us that we should definitely use the opportunity of the renewing influences to give our own reality a new shine. Instead of missing the opportunity or even remaining in dreams, we should use the power of current structures and act from this eternally expanding moment. Ultimately, this is the only way we can shape our state of being or our living conditions according to our ideas, namely by consciously acting from the present.

The present is the eternal, or more correctly, the eternal is the present, and the present is the fulfilled. – Søren Aabye Kierkegaard..!!

The unique ability to create a life that completely corresponds to our ideas also rests in the soul of every person. Everything is possible and every limit can be overcome. Of course, there are also extremely precarious living conditions that prevent such manifestation, but as we all know, exceptions prove the rule. Well, tomorrow is the new moon and in 15 days the next full moon will reach us. Full moons, in turn, represent abundance rather than new beginnings and renewal. For this reason, tomorrow can also be viewed as a path towards abundance. We should therefore separate ourselves from old, sustainable living patterns and finally implement the things that we have wanted to manifest for a long time. Welcome the new energies and use their potential to lay the foundations for a more fulfilling life. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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