For several years we have been in a time of revelation, i.e. a phase of disclosure, unveiling and above all the overarching disclosure of all circumstances, which in turn are based on darkness (3D, lies, disharmony, control, bondage and above all unholiness). Various earlier high cultures saw these times coming, very often there was talk of a coming end time, a phase in which the old world will completely dissolve and accordingly mankind will revive an overarching circumstance, which in turn points to peace, freedom, truthfulness and holiness will be based. The old world, and by that is meant a world that is ultimately maintained by a dormant or unfulfilled, unholy and unconscious collective mind, is ultimately going through a phase of total decay.
The dark is exposed

The reality previously created by the collective, in which neither awareness of one's own true creative powers, closeness to nature or even wisdom about one's own inner divinity/holiness prevailed will change gradually at the beginning and then suddenly. In the current decade we have reached the point where this transformation reaches its peak. Over the last decade, humanity has been slowly waking up and slowly but surely rising above itself and accordingly beginning to focus its mind on healing (in which she questioned life, the world and the system including all structures and was subsequently able to attract more truthful knowledge), everything is now happening at a tremendous pace. The old world is about to fall apart completely and accordingly a divine plan or rather the greatest cycle of life is taking place, namely the ascent from density into light (a sleeping/weak spirit that finds true strength again). Hearts open, enabling us to see behind the scenes of all being (otherwise there is a fundamental exclusion/aversion to information from outside the system, which makes it difficult to elevate/expand one's own mind) and all shadow circumstances are cleared. This clearing refers on the one hand to the outer world and on the other hand to our inner world. The world will only be healed if we ourselves are healed again and God or the kingdom of God will only come back if we let this kingdom or God come alive in us (God Consciousness – the Most Holy State). In the current world, there is a desperate attempt to fight against this very overarching divine return. In the meantime, however, the change has progressed so far that the appearance or darkness is increasingly being exposed. This circumstance is more visible than ever, be it in the world in which the previous system normality was broken and since then it has become more than apparent that we have allowed ourselves to be governed by chaos-fostering entities (instead of taking over the reigns over ourselves - become your own leader - rise to the master) or in ourselves, who not only gradually experience an increase in our self-image, but are also confronted with countless ancient open wounds (everything based on untruth, lack of self-love and generally on old energies dissolves).
Everything will be revealed
A comprehensive healing is taking place on our earth and we ourselves are supposed to ascend to the highest level again, i.e. becoming one with God, so that we can find our way back to the source of all being (namely to ourselves, the highest in which everything is embedded - what the dark tries to keep us from. Because the more ascended you are, the less controllable you become and, above all, the more healing the influence on your own mind/body/spirit system and thus on your entire existence - law of correspondence). All the hidden wisdom about our true core finds its way back to us, especially since our channels to the highest are extremely open due to the overarching strong change and the associated energy increase. Just like that, we have reached the point where the system can no longer hide all this knowledge from us. The truth is pouring out of every corner, becoming an overflowing body of water that threatens to completely tear down the "dam system". And it is to this particular point that we are heading, namely the complete disintegration of the old world, the explosion within the illusion and the complete disclosure of all information that follows. Everything will be ours. Everything will reach us, every hidden information, every technology and every knowledge of all backgrounds. Of course, as I said, attempts are made to prevent this, but this process, i.e. the return of the kingdom of God in ourselves and in the world, is unstoppable. It is a superordinate and non-manipulable process that takes place. Just as your awakening has become unstoppable and you can no longer and do not want to return to your old spiritual state, on the contrary, your development is taking place more and more.
clearing of our crown chakra
And while all of this is happening, our entire chakra system opens, meaning our entire energy flow is brought into flow/harmonization through our spiritual elevation. We ourselves rise again to fully developed divine beings, who will then develop abilities that one could never have imagined before, it is the essence of the highest that everyone is entitled to. Currently, the clearing of our crown chakra is in the foreground. The crown chakra itself, which in turn stands for our divine connection, experiences an overarching opening. Corona, which stands for the crown in this regard, illustrates this perfectly. The old wants to keep our crown chakra closed, i.e. the connection to the divine should be prevented, but the divine plan or the truthful information hidden in it makes it clear to us what is happening in the depths, namely the maximum connection to the divine, which should now be fully developed. For this reason, we should all remain in basic trust and not let ourselves be blinded by external appearances, let alone get involved in a desired wave of splitting or even discomfort or falling into dark thoughts (by which we only favor the manifestation of darkness and follow the old principle - which, by the way, does not mean that a corresponding experience is not conducive to our development). The best is happening and the highest is about to return in all of us. The current chaos will be lifted and a new divine world will rise from the emerging ashes of the old illusion. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
Wow, that was touching. Thank you