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The big is reflected in the small and the small in the big. This phrase can be traced back to the universal law of correspondence or also called analogies and ultimately describes the structure of our existence, in which the macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm and vice versa. Both levels of existence are very similar in terms of structure and structure and are reflected in the respective cosmos. In this regard, the outer world that a person perceives is merely a mirror of one's own inner world and one's mental state is in turn reflected in the outer world (the world is not as it is but as one is). The entire universe is a coherent system that, due to its energetic/mental origin, is expressed again and again in the same systems and patterns.

Macro and microcosm mirror each other

cell universeThe outside world that we can perceive through our conscious mind, or rather a mental projection of our own mind, is ultimately reflected in our inner nature and vice versa. In doing so, one's own inner state is always transferred to the externally perceptible world. Someone who has an inner balance, who keeps their own mind/body/spirit system in balance, transfers this inner balance to their outer world, for example, which results in an orderly daily routine or orderly living conditions, clean rooms or, better said, a tidy one spatial circumstance could arise. Someone who has their own mind/body/spirit system in balance does not feel depressed in the same way, would not feel depressive moods and would keep their own circumstances in balance due to their significantly more pronounced life energy. A person who in turn feels/carries an inner imbalance would not be able to keep his own circumstances in order. Due to reduced life energy, own indolence - lethargy, in the case of the premises, he would most likely not keep appropriate order. The inner chaos, i.e. one's own imbalance, would then immediately be transferred to one's own outer world and the result would be a chaotic living situation. The inner world is always reflected in the outer world and the outer world is reflected in one's own inner world. This unavoidable universal principle is reflected in this context on all levels of existence.

Macrocosm = microcosm, two levels of existence that, despite the different sizes, have similar structures and states..!!

As above - so below, as below - so above. As within - so without, as without - so within. As in the big, so in the small. For this reason, the entire existence is reflected in smaller as well as in larger scales. Whether microcosm (atoms, electrons, protons, quarks, cells, bacteria, etc.) or macrocosm (universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets, etc.), everything is similar in terms of structure, the only difference being the orders of magnitude . For this reason, apart from the stationary universes (there are countless universes that are stationary and in turn are surrounded by an even more comprehensive system), all forms of existence are coherent universal systems. Man represents a single complex universe simply because of his trillions of cells. Universes are therefore everywhere, because everything in existence ultimately has complex functionalities and mechanisms that are only reflected in different scales.

Different systems that have a similar structure

planetary-nebulaThe macrocosm is therefore only an image or a mirror of the microcosm and vice versa. For example, an atom has a structure similar to that of a solar system. An atom has a nucleus around which the number of electrons orbits varies. A galaxy, in turn, has a galactic core around which solar systems revolve. The solar system is a system that, as the name suggests, has a sun in the center around which the planets revolve. Further universes border on universes, further galaxies border on galaxies, further solar systems border on solar systems and in exactly the same way further planets border on planets. Just like in the microcosm one atom follows the next, or even one cell follows the next cell. Of course, the distance from galaxy to galaxy seems gigantic to us humans, a distance that can hardly be grasped. However, if you were the size of a galaxy, the distance for yourself would be as normal in scale as the distance from house to house in a neighborhood. For example, the atomic distances seem very tiny to us. But if you were to look at this distance from the point of view of a quark, then atomic distances would be just as huge as galactic or universal distances for us. Ultimately, this similarity of the different levels of existence is also due to our immaterial/spiritual ground. Whether man or the universe "known" to us, both systems are ultimately only a result or an expression of an energetic source, which is given form by intelligent consciousness/spirit. Everything in existence, any material or immaterial state, is an expression of this energetic network. Everything originates from this original source and is therefore always expressed in the same patterns. Frequently one also likes to speak of the so-called fractality. In this context, fractality describes the fascinating property of energy and matter, always expressing itself in the same forms and patterns on all levels of existence.

The appearance and structure of our universe is reflected in the microcosm..!!

fractalityA cell in our brain, for example, looks very similar to a universe from a distance, which is why one could also assume that a universe ultimately represents a cell that appears gigantic to us, which is part of a brain that we cannot grasp . The birth of a cell, in turn, is very similar to the death/disintegration of a star in terms of its external representation. Our iris again shows very strong similarities with planetary nebulae. Well then, ultimately this circumstance is something very special in life. Because of the hermetic principle of correspondence, all of creation is reflected on both larger and smaller scales. Everything in existence represents a unique universe, or rather fascinating universes, which, despite their individual creative expression, show extreme similarities in terms of structure. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Daniel Qarout 15. October 2019, 22: 20

      Thanks for the comparison, that's exactly how I see it!

      Mit den besten Grüßen

    • goose 17. September 2021, 11: 02

      That's really exciting, you can also buy it as a book, with all the pictures, etc.

    goose 17. September 2021, 11: 02

    That's really exciting, you can also buy it as a book, with all the pictures, etc.

    • Daniel Qarout 15. October 2019, 22: 20

      Thanks for the comparison, that's exactly how I see it!

      Mit den besten Grüßen

    • goose 17. September 2021, 11: 02

      That's really exciting, you can also buy it as a book, with all the pictures, etc.

    goose 17. September 2021, 11: 02

    That's really exciting, you can also buy it as a book, with all the pictures, etc.
