The power of your thoughts is limitless. You can realize every thought or rather manifest it in your own reality. Even the most abstract trains of thought, the realization of which we have massive doubts about, and in some cases even make fun of these ideas, can be manifested on a material level. There are no limits in this sense, only self-imposed limits, negative beliefs (that's not possible, I can't do it, that's impossible), which massively stand in the way of the development of one's own intellectual potential. Nevertheless, there is a limitless potential slumbering deep inside of every human being that, if used appropriately, can steer your own life in a completely different/positive direction. We often doubt the power of our own minds, doubt our own abilities, and instinctively assume ...
A person's past exerts a tremendous influence on their own reality. Our own daily consciousness is repeatedly influenced by thoughts that are deeply anchored in our own subconscious and are just waiting to be redeemed by us humans. These are often unresolved fears, karmic entanglements, moments from our past life that we have suppressed so far and because of which we are confronted with them again and again in some way. These unredeemed thoughts exert a negative influence on our own vibration frequency and repeatedly burden our own psyche. ...
We humans are very powerful beings, creators who can create or even destroy life with the help of our consciousness. With the power of our own thoughts, we can act self-determinedly and are able to create a life that corresponds to our own ideas. It depends on each person what spectrum of thoughts he legitimizes in his own mind, whether he allows negative or positive thoughts to arise, whether we join the permanent flow of flourishing, or whether we live out rigidity/stagnation. ...
Every human being is Creator of his own reality, one reason why you often feel as if the universe or your entire life revolves around you. In fact, at the end of the day, it appears that you are the center of the universe based on your own intellectual/creative foundation. You are the creator of your own circumstances and can determine the further course of your life based on your own mental spectrum. Ultimately, every human being is only an expression of a divine convergence, an energetic source and, because of this, embodies the source itself. ...
As already mentioned in one of my last articles, a supermoon shows up in the night sky today. In this context, a super moon is a full moon that comes exceptionally close to our earth. A special natural phenomenon made possible by the elliptical orbit of the moon. Due to the elliptical orbit, the moon reaches a point closest to the earth every 27 days. When the moon reaches a point closest to the earth and the full moon phase is at the same time, then one likes to speak of a super moon. The volume of the full moon then appears much larger than usual and the brightness increases by up to 30%. ...
We humans often assume that there is a general reality, an all-encompassing reality in which every living being is located. Because of this, we tend to generalize many things and present our personal truth as a universal truth. It is well known. You are discussing a certain topic with someone and claiming that your point of view corresponds to reality or the truth. Ultimately, however, one cannot generalize in this sense or present one's own ideas as a true part of an apparently overarching reality. ...
The mind is the most powerful instrument through which any human being can express themselves. We are able to shape our own reality at will with the help of the mind. Because of our creative foundation, we can take our destiny into our own hands and shape life according to our own ideas. This circumstance is made possible because of our thoughts. In this context, thoughts represent the basis of our mind. Our entire existence arises from them, and even the entire creation is ultimately just a mental expression. This mental expression is subject to constant changes. ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!