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Wish fulfillment

While more and more people are finding their way back to their holy self in the current times and, whether consciously or unconsciously, more than ever follow the overarching goal of developing a life in maximum fullness and harmony, the inexhaustible power of the own creative spirit in the foreground. spirit rules over matter. We ourselves are powerful creators and we can ...

Today or especially tonight, i.e. the night from August 12th to August 13th, is accompanied by a very special event and that is a night of shooting stars. It should be said at this point that the month of August as a whole was a very shooting star ...

Today's daily energy on February 01st, 2018 supports us in our plan to steer our lives in a new direction and could therefore awaken the urge in us to want to detach ourselves from sustainable life situations. The focus is on negative influences that we expose ourselves to every day. Apart from our own negative thoughts, these are mainly factors that in turn favor a negative spectrum of thoughts. Whether it is an unnatural diet, eating too much (overconsumption), excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking or even other addictions ...

The subject of the law of resonance has been gaining in popularity for several years and is subsequently recognized by more people as a universally effective law. This law means that like always attracts like. We humans therefore pull the ...

In today's world, many people doubt the realization of their own dreams, doubt their own mental abilities and as a result block the development of a positively aligned state of consciousness. Due to self-imposed negative beliefs, which in turn are anchored in the subconscious, i.e. mental beliefs/convictions such as: "I can't do it", "It won't work anyway", "It's just not possible", "I'm not meant for that ’, ‘I won’t be able to do it anyway’, we block ourselves, then prevent ourselves from realizing our own dreams, make sure ...

The law of resonance is a very special topic that more and more people have been dealing with in recent years. Put simply, this law states that like always attracts like. Ultimately, this means that energy or energetic states that oscillate at a corresponding frequency always attract states that oscillate at the same frequency. If you're happy, you'll only attract more things that make you happy, or rather, focusing on that feeling will make that feeling amplify. ...

Every human being has certain wishes and dreams, ideas about life that are transported into our daily consciousness again and again in the course of life and await their corresponding realization. These dreams are deeply anchored in our own subconscious and rob many people of their daily life energy, ensure that we can no longer focus on the essentials and instead are mentally permanently in resonance with lack. In this context, we often fail to realize corresponding thoughts or wishes. We don't get what we want, so as a rule we often remain in a negatively oriented state of consciousness and as a result usually get nothing. ...