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In the present time, human civilization is beginning to remember the most basic abilities of its own creative spirit. A constant unveiling takes place, i.e. the veil that was once laid over the collective spirit is about to be completely lifted. And behind that veil lies all our hidden potential. That we as creators ourselves have an almost immeasurable ...

I have often dealt with the seven universal laws, including the hermetic laws, in my articles. Whether the law of resonance, the law of polarity or even the principle of rhythm and vibration, these fundamental laws are largely responsible for our existence or explain elementary mechanisms of life, for example that the entire existence is of a spiritual nature and not just everything is driven by a great spirit, but that everything also arises from spirit, which can be seen in countless simple examples ...

The law of resonance is a very special topic that more and more people have been dealing with in recent years. Put simply, this law states that like always attracts like. Ultimately, this means that energy or energetic states that oscillate at a corresponding frequency always attract states that oscillate at the same frequency. If you're happy, you'll only attract more things that make you happy, or rather, focusing on that feeling will make that feeling amplify. ...

The big is reflected in the small and the small in the big. This phrase can be traced back to the universal law of correspondence or also called analogies and ultimately describes the structure of our existence, in which the macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm and vice versa. Both levels of existence are very similar in terms of structure and structure and are reflected in the respective cosmos. In this regard, the outer world that a person perceives is merely a mirror of one's own inner world and one's mental state is in turn reflected in the outer world (the world is not as it is but as one is). ...

There are what are known as the four Native American laws of spirituality, all of which explain different aspects of being. These laws show you the meaning of important circumstances in your own life and clarify the background of various aspects of life. For this reason, these spiritual laws can be very helpful in everyday life, because we often cannot see any meaning in certain life situations and ask ourselves why we have to go through a corresponding experience. ...

The hermetic principle of polarity and gender is another universal law that, simply put, states that apart from energetic convergence, only dualitarian states prevail. Polaritarian states can be found everywhere in life and are important for progressing in one's own spiritual development. If there were no dualitarian structures then one would be subject to a very limited mind as one would not be aware of polaritarian aspects of being ...

Everything flows in and out. Everything has its tides. Everything rises and falls. Everything is vibration. This phrase describes in simple terms the hermetic law of the principle of rhythm and vibration. This universal law describes the ever-existing and never-ending flow of life, which shapes our existence at all times and in all places. I will explain exactly what this law is all about ...