Mankind is presently in the so often prophesied and also in innumerable scriptures documented end times, in which we experience first-hand the transformation of an ancient world based on pain, limitation, restriction and oppression. All veils are lifted, speak the truth about our existence including all structures (be it the true divine abilities of our mind or even the complete truth about the real history of our world & humanity) is to be completely removed from the overarching appearance. For this reason, a coming phase awaits us in which all of humanity, ...

Oh yes, love is more than a feeling. Everything consists of a cosmic primal energy that manifests itself in various forms. The highest of these forms is the energy of love - the power of connection between all that is. Some describe love as “recognizing the self in the other,” dissolving the illusion of separation. The fact that we perceive ourselves as separate from each other is actually one thing ...

As I have often mentioned in my articles, we humans are subject We often have our own mental problems, i.e. we allow ourselves to be dominated by our own long-term behavior and thought processes, suffer from negative habits, and sometimes even from negative convictions and beliefs (for example: “I can't do it”, “I can't do that”, “I am nothing). worth”) and in the same way we allow ourselves to be controlled again and again by our own problems or even mental inconsistencies/fears. ...

As I have often mentioned in my articles, every illness is merely a product of our own mind, our own state of consciousness. Since ultimately everything in existence is an expression of consciousness and apart from that we also have the creative power of consciousness, we can create diseases ourselves or free ourselves completely from diseases/stay healthy. In exactly the same way, we can also determine our further path in life ourselves, can shape our own destiny, ...

Everyone knows that sport, or rather exercise in general, is extremely important for one's health. Even simple sporting activities or even daily walks in nature can massively strengthen your own cardiovascular system. Exercise not only has a positive effect on your physical constitution, but it also strengthens your psyche immensely. For example, people who are often stressed, suffer from psychological problems, are hardly balanced, suffer from anxiety attacks or even compulsions should definitely do sports. ...

Living a balanced life is something most people strive for, whether consciously or subconsciously. At the end of the day, we humans want to be fine, that we don't have to be subject to negative thoughts, such as fears, etc., that we are free from all dependencies and other self-created blockages. For this reason, we long for a happy, carefree life and, apart from that, we don't want to have to succumb to illnesses. Nevertheless, in today's world it is not too easy to lead a perfectly healthy life in balance (at least as a rule, but this, as we know, confirms the exception), ...

As I have often mentioned in my articles, humanity is currently undergoing a huge spiritual change that is fundamentally changing our lives. We deal with our own mental abilities again and recognize the deeper meaning of our lives. A wide variety of writings and treatises also reported that humanity will re-enter a so-called 5th dimension. Personally, I first heard about this transition in 2012, for example. I read through several articles on this topic and felt somewhere that there must be something true in these texts, but I could not interpret this in any way. ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!