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winter solstice

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Today's daily energy on December 21, 2021 is accompanied by the influences of today's winter solstice, apart from the sixth portal day and the powerful energy that comes with it. The winter solstice, like the summer solstice, marks one of the most energetically powerful days of the year. So with the winter solstice we reach the darkest day of the year, on which the shortest day and the longest night of the year take place (less than 8 hours). For this reason, the winter solstice represents a point in time from which or afterwards the days slowly become brighter again and we therefore experience more daylight.

Energy of the winter solstice

Winter solsticeSo after the winter solstice we are heading towards the return of light and consequently experiencing a return to liveliness. It is therefore an energetically very significant day, namely the darkest day of the year (our inner shadows are fully addressed in depth before they can then be fully cleared), which brings with it a cleansing and, above all, special natural vibration (turning inwards). It is not for nothing that, according to tradition, this day was extensively celebrated by a wide variety of ancient cultures and advanced civilizations and the winter solstice was viewed as a turning point on which the light is reborn (the return of the light). The pagan Germanic peoples, for example, celebrated the special Yule festival (hence the Christmas tree tradition), starting on the day of the winter solstice as a sun birth festival, which lasted 12 nights and stood for life itself, that life slowly but surely returns. The Celts, in turn, fasted on December 24th due to the highly magical fact that the cosmic power of the sun returns 2 days after the winter solstice and therefore viewed the winter solstice not only as an astronomical event, but also as a point of lifestyle. Ultimately, it becomes more than clear what concentrated power is embedded in this day and why the hours that accompany it carry a transcending magic (valuable impulses for our light body). And since today's winter solstice also takes place in the middle of a portal day phase, its effectiveness will be even stronger. Well then, in keeping with today's special cosmic event, I'm quoting a special section from the page again taste-of-power.de:

“The birth of the sun represents the new beginning of all life. The cycle of the year begins again. The light triumphs over the darkness. On the night of the winter solstice, the witches say goodbye to everything that remains hidden in the dark and welcome the light. This transformation is ideal for a special witch ritual for the winter solstice. The time of rough nights begins with the winter solstice. In the first rough night we return to the origin of ourselves, we find our own source. We can draw on this in the rough nights to come.

With the birth of the sun, the banishment of darkness begins. The nights are getting shorter again and everything that seemed dead comes to new life. The winter solstice is the golden exit from the dark season that began at Mabon. At the solstice, sun, death and fertility rites intertwine. Symbolic actions support and activate the power of people and nature. On the night of the winter solstice, the promise of rebirth of all life is fulfilled.”

With this in mind, enjoy today's highly magical winter solstice and experience the overarching special energies that will in turn lead us back to the light. In keeping with the current overarching phase of collective awakening, the light returns and floods or rather reveals the entire truth about the world (our world/illusory world). The old world is dissolving. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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